The Limited Times

The public works sector sees its tenders drop by 60%

5/20/2020, 6:07:59 PM

The unprecedented combination of confinement with unfinished municipal elections plunges the sector into complete uncertainty.

The adjournment of the second round of municipal elections also has economic consequences. The wait for the appointment of a new executive, sometimes accompanied by a new director of services, as well as the internal reorganization of administrations due to the Covid-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in public procurement.

Read also: The majority cautious on the date of the second round of municipal

For the public works sector, where this type of tendering accounts for 60% of the activity, the situation becomes untenable in the short term. "We have resumed the construction sites that were going on before the confinement, but our activity will stop again in the coming months with a real risk of technical unemployment in many companies in the fall", warns Olivier Giorgiucci, the president of the regional federation of public works of Occitania and regional director of Eiffage Route.

Like the rest of the profession, this manager is worried about the drop in tenders observed since the start of the year: “- 60

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