The Limited Times

"Requires Netanyahu Justice Trial - Not Field Trial" Israel today

5/21/2020, 4:11:17 PM

| politicalMK Boaz Toporovsky from Yesh Atid protests that many in the political system want to "see Netanyahu on the bench of the accused" • "I want to replace him, not humiliate" Knesset Member Boaz Toporovsky // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon Knesset Member Boaz Toporovsky Mish Atid today expressed his condemnation of what he sees as an attempt to humiliate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and drag him to the ...

MK Boaz Toporovsky from Yesh Atid protests that many in the political system want to "see Netanyahu on the bench of the accused" • "I want to replace him, not humiliate"

  • Knesset Member Boaz Toporovsky // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Knesset Member Boaz Toporovsky Mish Atid today expressed his condemnation of what he sees as an attempt to humiliate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and drag him to the bench of the accused. 

Toporovsky tweeted on his Twitter page that: "I am not willing to be a personal opposition, but a value. I accept and respect the court's decision, but the zeal of many to win Netanyahu's" humiliation picture. " "Not to humiliate, to argue with - not to hate. I demand justice and not field law."

Toporowski's remarks refer to the district court's decision not to allow Netanyahu to be absent from his trial. Netanyahu can still appeal to the supreme but not sure he will. 

The Prime Minister's associates explained his request for the absence of his trial by saying that it was only a formal procedure and that the move of the prime minister would happen at the expense of the taxpayer. The Prosecutor's Office rejected the claims that the procedure was formal and demanded that Netanyahu attend the hearing. 

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