The Limited Times

90% of new cases of coronavirus are concentrated in the City and the Province

5/21/2020, 11:56:00 PM

Of the 648 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, 592 correspond to the Federal Capital and province of Buenos Aires.

05/21/2020 - 20:38

  • Clarí
  • Society

The 648 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours scares and worries. The specialists affirm that the tendency is that every day it increases more. But that is not the only trend that is reaffirmed over time: both the City of Buenos Aires and the Province are shown as the two places where the majority of those infected accumulate.

According to the report of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, of the total of new cases, 90 percent, that is to say 592, correspond to the Federal Capital and a large part of the Province of Buenos Aires.

All the rest -56- are divided between Chaco (32), Córdoba (12), Mendoza (1), Río Negro (3), Santa Fe (5) and Tucumán (1).

A similar situation occurred on Wednesday. Of the 474 new cases at that time, 435 belonged to the urban area that makes up CABA and Province.

Meetings between officials on how to continue the quarantine will largely depend on the numbers reported in the reports.

This Thursday, for example, the Buenos Aires deputy minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak, assured that it is necessary to "restrict the use of public transport to avoid community transmission" of the coronavirus and considered that "from the health point of view" it is necessary "to go back with respect to the empowerment of non-essential trade "to avoid contagion.

"Until we manage to contain the foci and lower the cases, we must reduce mobility that is not essential, which moves from one neighborhood to another, from the suburbs to the city," said Kreplak, adding that they should be able to move "only people who work on essential tasks. "

It was also known that after a meeting between Alberto Fernández, Axel Kicillof and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in Olivos, the agreement would be to allow no more exceptions for the opening of shops: "Nothing else is opened," they said in the Presidency about what it would have been agreed.