The Limited Times

Attorney General of Venezuela offers to “collaborate” with the US Congress for an armed incursion against the Maduro government

5/21/2020, 10:32:00 PM

The attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, sent a letter to the president of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, to give her version "on the facts ...

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Press conference of Venezuela's attorney general, Tarek William Saab, on May 21, 2020.

(CNN Spanish) - Venezuela's attorney general, Tarek William Saab, reported Thursday at a press conference that his office is taking steps in the United States after the failed armed raid against the Nicolás Maduro government in early May in which Eight people were killed and he left 66 detainees, including two US citizens.

Saab focused on a letter that his office sent to the president of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, Nancy Pelosi, to give her version "of the events that have surrounded the so-called Operation Gideon."

"Our institution will do everything necessary for justice to be done in accordance with our sovereign laws and it commits itself in whatever is necessary to collaborate as a sovereign power with any North American institution that seeks the truth and is faithful to it," says part of the letter sent. by Saab to Pelosi.

The attorney general only mentioned the letter addressed to the president of the House of Representatives. Although he also made reference to "legal actions" by his office before US institutions, he did not detail which ones.

"We have initiated actions outside our territory. Legal actions, specifically in the United States, to clarify these facts that involve not only the violation of our sovereignty and our laws, but also of the American laws, "said the official.

READ:  Maduro's government presents confessions of two presumed involved in the so-called "Operation Gideon" involving the US

The United States is unaware of the government of the questioned President Nicolás Maduro, which it considers illegitimate. On the contrary, it recognizes Juan Guaidó, the president of the National Assembly, as interim president of that country, whom 50 other countries have also accepted as the sole legitimate interlocutor of Venezuela.

The Maduro administration insists on involving the Government of Donald Trump in the maritime raid known as "Operation Gideon", frustrated as of May 3 in the coastal region of Venezuela and in which two former soldiers of the Special Forces of the United States Army.

Washington denied the allegations and said the Caracas allegations are a "disinformation campaign" by the Venezuelan government.

Regarding the letter sent to Pelosi, the Venezuelan attorney general said that it was sent on Tuesday "in order to express his interest" in the Public Ministry in the investigation of some US congressmen regarding "Operation Gideon."

Saab referred to the proceedings on said operation by Congressman Eliot Engel, who on May 12 said before the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives that the US Congress "needs to know if the laws of the United States were broken by US citizens or companies and if any element of the United States government was aware of what was happening "in Venezuela.

Operation Gideon