The Limited Times

Coronavirus, Azzolina: 'The return to school based on the evolution of the virus'

5/21/2020, 12:05:23 PM

The Ministry will accompany the security process. Prime Minister Conte announced an allocation of around 1.5 for his return in September. Trade unions on a war footing. CGIL, Uil and Snals do not rule out strike (ANSA)

 " The government will accompany the safe return to school and consider the conditions determined by the epidemiological evolution ". Education Minister Lucia Azzolina said this during the hearing in the Chamber. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in today's Covid-19 briefing in the Chambers specified that "Managing the return to school in September will entail significant organization costs and the past few weeks have shown us the importance of increasing the digitization of our institutions and of our teaching: for this purpose we allocate 1 billion and 450 million euros in two years for the benefit of the school ". 

"I want to reassure school managers concerned about responsibilities: we are working to ensure that everything does not fall on their shoulders, there will be clear and flexible rules, " Education Minister Lucia Azzolina said at the Chamber of Culture Committee hearing. "The school shutdown was carried out in close connection with the health authorities. Doctor Miozzo just yesterday remembered what the risk would have been if we had kept the schools open. The reopening will take place gradually . We are preparing all the stages for the reopening" in September and working on a security protocol that will be closed shortly. We are aware of the importance of school in the social context: the government has developed plans for the summer camps that we fully support ".

Meanwhile, the school unions announce battle. "The truce is over. The CGIL school does not rule out the strike . The government does not believe that everything is in order," said  the secretary general of the FCC CGIL, Francesco Sinopoli . Ready to strike the school also Uil with Pino Turi and Snals Elvira Serafini. "It is time for the government to make choices," the unionists said. The reasons for the malaise lie above all in the question of the recruitment of precarious workers and the restarting in September.