The Limited Times

Coronavirus in France: 83 new deaths in 24 hours, 28,215 dead since the start of the epidemic

5/21/2020, 5:17:11 PM

To date, 1,745 patients remain hospitalized in intensive care units, according to the latest assessment from the Directorate General of Health

France has been struggling for eleven days but has not finished with covid-19. In its daily press release, the Directorate General of Health said that 83 new deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours in the country.

Since the start of the epidemic, the new coronavirus has killed a total of 28,215 people in France, according to the latest official figures. Among these victims, 17,870 deaths were recorded in hospitals and 10,345 in social and medico-social centers, including nursing homes.

1,745 patients in intensive care

Hospital services remain mobilized. On May 21, 1,745 patients remained in care in the country's intensive care units. In the past 24 hours, 28 new patients have been admitted. The balance, which takes into account discharges, is once again negative, with 49 fewer patients.

However, these resuscitations represent only a minority of patients in hospital, since 17,583 patients are still hospitalized for contamination with Covid-19. Note that 271 new admissions have been recorded in the past 24 hours. Since the beginning of March, French hospitals have received 99,822 patients and 63,858 of them have been able to return to their homes.

The virus officially affected more than 5 million people in the world, mainly in Europe where the deconfinement continues with the anguish of a resurgence, at the time when China is about to proclaim its “victory” over the epidemic . The number of officially diagnosed cases doubled in one month to reach at least 5.01 million, including 328,220 deaths.

If this assessment is undoubtedly largely undervalued, the data collected from official sources reveal an acceleration of the number of new cases with particularly high increases in the last ten days.

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