The Limited Times

Csm: green light to the transfer of the Pm Sirignano

5/21/2020, 5:15:32 PM

With 21 votes in favor and 3 in favor of archiving the case, the CSM gives the go-ahead for the transfer of office for the Public Prosecutor's Office of the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Cesare Sirignano, finished in the interceptions of the Luca Palamara trojan. (HANDLE)

With 21 votes in favor, and three votes in favor of archiving the case, the CSM gave the go-ahead for the transfer of office for the prosecutor of the national anti-mafia prosecutor Cesare Sirignano, who ended up in the eavesdropping of the trojan of Luca Palamara. In favor of archiving, only Unicost, the reference current of Sirignano and of the former president of the ANM Luca Palamara, voted. 

The independent director of the CSM Nino Di Matteo , speaking in the plenum debate, had given a favorable opinion to the proposed transfer of office for the prosecutor of the national anti-mafia prosecutor Cesare Sirignano, whose position ended up being examined by the Council for some telephone talks on the appointment of the prosecutor of Perugia with Luca Palamara, the Roman prosecutor who ended up under investigation for corruption. For Di Matteo, Sirignano brought current interests to Antimafia.

"I would be hypocritical if I didn't say that from the beginning I followed these events. My and Dr Sirignano's professional activities have crossed paths in Anti-Mafia for almost 2 years, so I thought to abstain and not participate in the vote. Maybe it would have been it is more convenient to abstain and wash my hands but I am a councilor of the CSM and on such an important and general interest issue I cannot abstain ", said Di MAtteo. "Dr Sirignano speaking of DNA, that is of the office which has very important coordination and impetus tasks with respect to all the anti-mafia activities in Italy, instead of rejecting the sender, has endorsed - Di Matteo continued - Palamara's claims to bring current interests into the heart of Antimafia, rather than merit and ability ". Sirignano, according to Di Matteo, "also in yesterday's hearing before the Plenum, said that even for such important issues as DNA appointments and structures 'if you do not have the support of your current you have nowhere to go' and has reiterated 'we had Dominus Palamara' ". "We are talking about the assumption of this criterion, a shared criterion to regulate the activities of contrasting the Mafia. And this is very serious for me", continued Di Matteo. "From the documents it emerges that Sirignano did not limit himself to being subjected to Palamara's choices, but reassured him by saying on several occasions that he would speak about Palamara's requests with the National Prosecutor or with the politician Ferri. That is, the currents, for Dr. Sirignano , had to enter into the determination of the work of the anti-mafia prosecutor. 'We talked about it with Federico and Cosimo', were his responses to Palamara. This results from the wiretapping ", concluded Di Matteo.

For Unicost Michele Ciambellini's togato, on the other hand, the proceedings against Cesare Sirignano had to be closed because "the transfer procedure" must "be applied with adequate guarantees to investigate the fact". According to Ciambellini, "the procedure had to be suspended due to the prejudice of the disciplinary procedure. It is not a matter in which exemplary measures can be issued, but only just measures. The colleague's hearing demonstrated the validity of a different reconstruction of the facts that had to be thorough ", Ciambellini had concluded.

For the laity of the Lega Stefano Cavanna "from the mouth of Dr. Sirignano and his defender we have heard devastating things about the judiciary", and it is necessary to transfer him. "Being in front of a prosecutor of such a stature who candidly claims that all appointments will inevitably be made with the Cencelli of the currents - Cavanna continued in his speech at the CSM - is not a good show. For Dr. Sirignano it is taken for granted that this was and is the rule, for him debates on belonging, not on professional qualities "." As a citizen-stressed the councilor of the Leg- I would never have thought that in CSM I would have found myself in front of to things like that. Yesterday he clearly stated that in the offices the guiding criteria are linked to belonging to the current. We are in the personalistic management of public affairs. "According to Sirignano, sums up Cavanna," you become head of the offices out of friendship and not skill. Yesterday I was scared because if the appointed magistrate is also good it is because he is lucky. I am very disheartened. In CSM, in this period, we are dealing with a terrible inextricable skein of relationships. "Cavanna voted in favor of the transfer due to incompatibility, for the majority practice