The Limited Times

Father's Day 2020: the best WhatsApp sayings and congratulations for dad

5/21/2020, 2:26:00 PM

Congratulations in the form of WhatsApp sayings should not be missing on Father's Day - especially when the usual excursion may currently have to be canceled.

Congratulations in the form of WhatsApp sayings should not be missing on Father's Day - especially when the usual excursion may currently have to be canceled.

  • May 21 is Ascension Day - and thus Father's Day.
  • The trip with the handcart is likely to be canceled for many this year.
  • With these WhatsApp sayings and poems you will still make your father happy.

Not as prominent as Mother's Day but no less important (well, maybe a little) is Father's Day . Because Mr. Papa also wants to be recognized for his services in bringing up children.

On Ascension Day traditionally men are the focus. Ascension Day is not just the day of the fathers, but more generally of the men. Then the gentlemen of creation go out with a handcart and usually talk quite generously about the hop juice .

At least with this custom it will be difficult this year: Due to the corona crisis , large -scale meetings are still restricted. All the more important, at least to give pleasure with WhatsApp * sayings on Father's Day 2020.

Father's Day is secured.

- Anna Aridzanjan (@textautomat) May 2, 2020

The most beautiful thing is of course a visit to  the father - this is now allowed again. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, or to keep the distance for safety reasons, you can also wish all the best on Father's Day via WhatsApp with one of these sayings - that works with WhatsApp for free *. Or you can say the funny sayings on the phone, but that's not something for everyone.

Father's Day 2020: WhatsApp sayings and poems

The spice is short: These two sayings get to the point:

" Everyone can be a father, but only very special people are a dad."

“There are so many fathers here on earth. But one is the best, and it belongs to me. "

Poem for Father's Day for congratulations via WhatsApp

Or this poem by the poet Klaus Enser-Schlag: 

"My hero you were my childhood hero, 

gave me an answer to all questions. 

I trusted you completely

built the castle with you in the sand.

And today, after so many years

you should experience it again.

I say to you in gratitude:

You remain my hero - forever. "

Anita Menger wrote numerous Father's Day poems. About this:

"You taught me a lot 

given me comfort, laughed with me. 

Whatever happens, you stand by me. 

With my love I pay you

And a few more lines from her:

"That we're on the same wavelength 

I guessed that as a child.

But now as a young woman

I know exactly. "

Funny WhatsApp sayings for Father's Day: humor is when you laugh anyway

If there isn't much else to laugh about, you can make your loved one smile at least on Father's Day with one of these WhatsApp sayings:

"Dear Dad, rejoice, 

because luckily you have me. 

This day would be without me

no father's day for you! "

If your dad doesn't have that much hair on your head, you can use:

"All worries, all needs,

all the nerves that I kill

forgive me, with a lot of patience,

and you don't blame me

that your best years

- and all your hair -

passed through me.

I like to be your child! "

Father's Day 2020: WhatsApp sayings for Honor Day

A little less cynical? Well, then maybe these lines are a good alternative for congratulations on Father's Day via WhatsApp:

"When you did this feat

I came from your seed

you weren't very enthusiastic at first,

but you coped well

have always been there for me

therefore I thank you, dear papa! "

Didn't find the right thing? Okay, here is a family-friendly variant:

"Becoming a father is not difficult

In contrast, being a father is very much.

But you are 1A in it,

that's why I love you, papa. "

Not enough humor? Then maybe something with Star Wars:

"Luke I am your father!"

"Jeff! My name is Jeff! "

WhatsApp saying for Father's Day gets to the point

Enough. It's very easy:

For always allowing me what mom forbade me: thank you dad! ”

Mother's Day 2021: The next Mother's Day is definitely coming!

Alternatively, you can of course also poet yourself. There are no limits to creativity here. Less poetic souls can prepare for their WhatsApp sayings for Mother's Day on the PC *.

"Huh, it was just now ?!" - don't panic, it's still a little bit until the next Mother's Day. If you haven't thought of anything until shortly before May 9, 2021, here are a few suggestions for nice lines for Mother's Day.

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