The Limited Times

Haftar announces raids on Tripoli, Putin sends reinforcements

5/21/2020, 5:38:06 PM

Escalation in Libya, telephone call between Pompeo and Di Maio (ANSA)"In the event of attacks on Turkish interests in Libya, the consequences would be very serious and the forces of the coup coup Haftar would be considered legitimate targets." Ankara's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hami Aksoy, said in a statement after threats from militias in support of General Khalifa Haftar against targets in Turkey, which supports the Libyan national agreement government of Fayez...

"In the event of attacks on Turkish interests in Libya, the consequences would be very serious and the forces of the coup coup Haftar would be considered legitimate targets." Ankara's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hami Aksoy, said in a statement after threats from militias in support of General Khalifa Haftar against targets in Turkey, which supports the Libyan national agreement government of Fayez al-Sarraj. The note was released shortly after news of the sending of Russian fighters from Syria to support Haftar. "Their goal is to escalate the conflict," added the Turkish spokesman.

Meanwhile, "At least eight Soviet-era jets have arrived in eastern" Libya "from an air base in Syria, likely to support a new air raid campaign" by General Khalifa Haftar. Russia, together with the Arab Emirates and Egypt, supports Haftar by opposing Turkey and Qatar, lined up in support of the executive of which Bashagha is minister and Fayez al-Sarraj premier. Officially, however, Moscow maintains a balanced attitude between the two sides. Even if information about unpaid wages is circulating, attributable to Russia are also at least hundreds of mercenaries from the "Wagner" group: "extremely well-trained have led devastating raids" against UN recognized government forces, ISPI noted. Their presence on the ground since October 2018 has also been reported by United Nations reports. The destruction or capture of some Russian "Pantsir" anti-aircraft systems was announced by Sarraj forces as part of the recent takeover of the strategic Watiya air base south-west of Tripoli. 

According to information from Farnesina sources, Minister Luigi Di Maio had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. At the heart of the talks is the situation in Libya and the Covid emergency. The two reiterated their concern about the intensification of hostilities in Libya and the need for an immediate humanitarian truce and the cessation of foreign interference. They also discussed the impact of the health emergency and the need to accelerate economic recovery.