The Limited Times

Massacre of Bologna, Bellini's ex-wife: 'Unfortunately it's him'

5/21/2020, 12:14:11 PM

In the minutes the recognition of the man taken on the first track (ANSA)"Unfortunately it's him." This is the confirmation, in a report viewed by ANSA, of Paolo Bellini's ex-wife, who recognized him in the curly-haired man with a mustache, filmed in an amateur movie on the first track of the Bologna station on the morning of August 2, 1980 . Bellini, a former National Avant-garde, is accused of being involved in a massacre and for him the Prosecutor General has recent...

"Unfortunately it's him." This is the confirmation, in a report viewed by ANSA, of Paolo Bellini's ex-wife, who recognized him in the curly-haired man with a mustache, filmed in an amateur movie on the first track of the Bologna station on the morning of August 2, 1980 . Bellini, a former National Avant-garde, is accused of being involved in a massacre and for him the Prosecutor General has recently asked for the indictment. "I have seen the video right now - adds the woman - and I can say that the person portrayed in the still image immediately after the column is my ex-husband".

 In the frames before the column - adds Maurizia Bonini, questioned on November 12, 2019 - you do not recognize well because the face is raised and turned to one side. "In the interrogation there is also talk of a chain and a crucifix:" Paolo had a chain that he wore around his neck with a medal and a crucifix, at least so I seem to remember. "And in recognizing the ex-husband in the video, the woman observes:" Attached to the chain it seems to me there is a crucifix ". Always in the audition reference is made to the seizure of two crucifixes made under investigation: "I confirm that, in my opinion, one of the two crucifixes could have belonged to Paolo because he did not belong to my family. When Paolo left home, or, I think, in the period in which he went under protection (because he collaborated with justice, ed.) He did not bring all things with him. I remember that he took the clock and little else. Therefore, that crucifix may have belonged to him. "In further declarations Bonini adds another element, with reference to Bellini's hiding:" When Paolo returned from Brazil with the fake name of Da Silva Roberto, he had redone his nose, making it more short and had taken off a mole on his left cheek. If you compare the photos of before and after Brazil you can see these things ". 

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