The Limited Times

Natura 2000 Day, Lipu celebrates it with a marathon on Fb

5/21/2020, 5:15:26 PM

(HANDLE)Lipu does not stop: in the era of Covid-19, it celebrates Natura 2000 Day, the day of European biodiversity established on May 21, 1992, with an online marathon open to all lovers of nature and animals. "The thrill of the liberations of treated and healed animals that return to fly - live Facebook - remote guided visits with some of the most spectacular Lipu Oasis, online debates with great nature...

Lipu does not stop: in the era of Covid-19, it celebrates Natura 2000 Day, the day of European biodiversity established on May 21, 1992, with an online marathon open to all lovers of nature and animals. "The thrill of the liberations of treated and healed animals that return to fly - live Facebook - remote guided visits with some of the most spectacular Lipu Oasis, online debates with great nature experts, testimonials from the very young European volunteers who choose to dedicate their time to the environment, and even the opportunity to speak with the Environment Minister Sergio Costa, "explains the Italian Bird Protection League.

The marathon will be streamed live on the Lipu Facebook channel from 10 to 19 on Saturday 24 May. In a preview, Thursday 21 May, the questions and answers section with Minister Costa. "It is the intention of this government to include the protection of the environment in the first 9 articles of the Constitutional Charter - said the minister - In the intangible inspiring principles, which represent the Italian people, there is no mention of the environment, it is not among the basic elements. There is already a constitutional bill and there is the intention of the government and the prime minister to move forward. "

To the request of the director of Lipu Danilo Selvaggi to urge the UN to add article 31 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicating the universal right to enjoy a healthy and protected environment, Minister Costa replied: "" I urge the Farnesina, because international law belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I know that Minister Di Maio has the same sensitivity, and then the premier of course ". 

The Italian Bird Protection League, on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day, with the NGO counterparts from all over the world relaunches the campaign to modify the Declaration of Human Rights and has also proposed to the minister to be a testimonial and to adhere to their petition and to join the Italian government. Costa observed that "environmental sensitivity is increasing more and more planetary level ", while citing some exceptions such as Bolsonaro and Trump," but it is true that other countries support the protection of the environment. This sensitivity is emerging strongly. Today Italy is acquiring a previously unknown environmental leadership. The path is long to acquire and maintain it over the years ", but he has assured that he will try to forge" alliance with countries that have this sensitivity of synthesis, from Costa Rica, to France and Spain ".

Together with Lipu and its guests, he announces a note from the animal rights association, we will talk about biodiversity, migratory birds, future, climate change, beauty, citizen science, Green Deal, sustainability, health, hope, birdwatching, commitment, politics, scientific research, animals, volunteering, Europe. Natura 2000 network "is one of the most important achievements since the European Union existed. It is - explains Lipu - the largest network of parks, reserves and protected nature areas in the world. Natura 2000 sites include mountain and sea places, rivers, lakes, woods, but also other places inhabited by man. All these areas are chosen because they host exceptional environments and specimens of fauna and flora, from the rare orchid to the kingfisher, from the gecko to the sea lily, which are also very important species for our life ".