The Limited Times

Strasbourg prison fire: injured minor

5/21/2020, 6:08:23 AM

A minor incarcerated in the prison of Elsau, in Strasbourg, was injured in the fire which started on Wednesday evening in his cell, we learned Thursday from concordant sources. The minor, who was alone, was burned in particular "in the lower limbs" and bothered by the fumes of smoke. He was evacuated to Hautepierre University Hospital under oxygen, according to a source familiar with the matter. ...

A minor incarcerated in the prison of Elsau, in Strasbourg, was injured in the fire which started on Wednesday evening in his cell, we learned Thursday from concordant sources.

The minor, who was alone, was burned in particular "in the lower limbs" and bothered by the fumes of smoke. He was evacuated to Hautepierre University Hospital under oxygen, according to a source familiar with the matter. He was transferred "in absolute emergency" , according to the departmental operational center for fire and rescue (Codis) which counts three other lightly injured: two minors and a supervisor.

According to initial police findings, the fire started from the mattress. Incarcerated for the first time since April 11, the minor presented no difficulties. The reason for his action is unknown. The fire, which broke out around 9 p.m. "was quickly put out by the guards using an RIA," an armed fire valve. Staff "extracted the inmate from his cell and contained the home . "

The two detainees in the adjacent cells were examined by a doctor and then returned to their cells. A doctor also visited each cell in the minor quarter, which accommodates 17 detainees in all, as well as on the upper floor of adults, to check their state of health.

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