The Limited Times

Atlantia: Aspi without liquidity, stop at 14.5 billion jobs

5/22/2020, 8:02:24 PM

Just for safety, the 900 million allocated. Threaten lawsuits. Sources IV: 'Stop demagoguery. Industry hit by pandemic, company cannot die '(ANSA)

No liquidity from Cdp and not even from banks through the Sace guarantee. The downgrade of Autostrade per l'Italia following the Milleproroghe rule which changes the value of the compensation mechanisms in the event of the revocation of the concession, has jammed all credit mechanisms. Thus Atlantia has convened an extraordinary board of directors and given a tranchant indication to its subsidiary: access the 900 million allocated by the holding company for the sole safety of the network and, at the same time, block all other investments: 14.5 billion jobs . It is a real lunge that opens another chapter of the challenge between the government and the Benetton society. Atlantia speaks of "serious damages" due to the slowness of decisions and the choices of the milleproroghe that keep the company on the grill even in the markets, so much so that it has given "mandate to its lawyers to evaluate all the necessary initiatives for the protection of the company and of the group". Yes, because to the effects of article 35 of the milleproroghe, a recent statement was added by the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Stefano Buffagni, who recently answered a question on the request for liquidity through the State guarantee mechanism with Sace, barring the street: "asking is lawful, answering is courtesy: no thanks!". A phrase on which the Board of Atlantia "has expressed strong concern" because these are "statements which are in contrast with the spirit and the dictation of the decree and rather based on widely discretionary and subjective assessments and criteria towards those who are making an important contribution the infrastructure development of the country ". The knot is always the same: the concession.

On the Aspi affair "we think that demagoguery should be put aside: a company like Atlantia cannot be killed. Aspi must be able to access credit law and others in compliance with the law. The highways and airports sectors have been seriously affected from the pandemic: they must be supported ". Qualified sources of Italia Viva declare it, heard on the phone.