The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Act-Lazy Pack | The article clearly shows the legislative timetable, key contents and targets

5/22/2020, 12:29:12 PM

The National People's Congress meeting opened today (22nd). The fifth item of the agenda will consider the commonly known "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" and include the relevant laws in Annex III of the "Hong Kong Basic Law", which will be announced and implemented by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. However, what is the difference between the implementation timetable of the relevant laws, the content in the pie, the targets, and Article 23 of the Basic Law? This article will simply integrate the above categories, so that readers can see the details of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" in one article.

Political situation

Written by: Chen Jingqi

2020-05-22 20:20

Last update date: 2020-05-22 20:26

The National People's Congress meeting opened today (22nd). The fifth item of the agenda will consider the commonly known "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" and include the relevant laws in Annex III of the "Hong Kong Basic Law", which will be announced and implemented by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

However, what is the difference between the implementation timetable of the relevant laws, the content in the pill, the targets, and Article 23 of the Basic Law? This article will simply integrate the above categories, so that readers can see the details of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" in one article.

Among the 7 points listed in Article 23 of the Basic Law, treason, incitement to rebellion, and theft of state secrets are not covered in the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law". (Xinhua News Agency)

Timetable: The bill will be voted on the 28th and will be implemented in Hong Kong as soon as August

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People ’s Congress held a preparatory meeting last night (21st), and adopted the agenda of the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People ’s Congress. Proposal for the Decision of the Administrative Region on the Legal System and Implementation Mechanism for the Maintenance of National Security (Draft).

According to the meeting schedule, the conference opened this morning (22nd) morning and will last from 7 days to the afternoon of May 28th. Therefore, the bill will be voted on the closing day (28th), and then will be authorized to the NPC Standing Committee to start specific legislative work. In accordance with established practice, the Standing Committee meets every two months, so it is expected that the draft will be adopted in August at the earliest and the relevant laws will be implemented in Hong Kong on the same day as the announcement, without having to be reviewed by the Legislative Council.




The draft requires Hong Kong to establish a national security agency to punish four types of conduct according to law 

For the specific content of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the draft has seven paragraphs, which mentions the need to prevent, prevent, punish and punish acts and activities that endanger national security in accordance with the law; strengthen law enforcement, establish institutions and enforcement mechanisms to maintain national security in Hong Kong The Chief Executive must fulfill his duty to maintain national security, carry out national security promotion education, and submit periodic reports to the Central People's Government.

The draft also focuses on four types of conduct, and it is necessary to formulate relevant laws to effectively prevent and stop any activities that split the country , subvert the state power , organize the implementation of terrorist activities, and interfere in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by foreign and foreign forces .

It is also mentioned that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and complete the national security legislation prescribed by the Basic Law as soon as possible.

For the four types of behavior stemming from the revision of the storm, the invasion of external forces, 23 difficult legislation

The draft is mainly aimed at four types of behaviors such as splitting the country, subverting state power, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. Wang Chen, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, explained this morning that the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" stems from the national perspective that the establishment and improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's maintenance of national security legal systems and enforcement mechanisms are necessary and important.

He said that since the return of Hong Kong, the country has firmly implemented the principles of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy. The practice of "one country, two systems" has achieved unprecedented success in Hong Kong.

Wang Chen, deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress, said that at the national level, it is necessary and important to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism for the maintenance of the national security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Since the storm of last year ’s amendments, public facilities and property have been damaged and Paralyze government regulation and the operation of the Legislative Council. (Profile picture)

However, "one country, two systems" encountered some new situations, new problems, new risks and challenges in the process of practice, especially since the storm of amendments in Hong Kong in 2019, the anti-China chaotic Hong Kong forces openly advocated Hong Kong independence, self-determination, referendum, etc. ; Engage in activities that undermine national unity and split the country, openly insult and deface the national flag and national emblem, incite Hong Kong people to fight against the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party, besiege the central government in Hong Kong, discriminate and exclude mainlanders in Hong Kong and wantonly disrupt Hong Kong ’s social order; Destroy public facilities and property and paralyze government regulation and the operation of the Legislative Council.

In addition, Wang Chen pointed out that some foreign and pro-foreign forces have blatantly intervened in Hong Kong affairs in recent years. They have intervened and made troubles through various means such as legislation, administration, and non-governmental organizations. The forces of chaos in Hong Kong support themselves, provide umbrellas, and use Hong Kong to engage in activities that endanger China ’s national security.

Wang Chen, deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress, said that allowing Hong Kong to legislate 23 articles was “to reflect the country ’s trust in Hong Kong”, but believed that the relevant legislation had been “severely stigmatized and demonized” by people with ulterior motives. Article 23 legislation "has the risk of being put on hold for a long time." (Profile picture)

Wang Chen said that the above acts and activities seriously challenge the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems", seriously damage the rule of law, seriously endanger national sovereignty, security and development interests, and must take favorable measures to prevent and punish the law.

Refers to 23 articles that are severely stigmatized and have the risk of being shelved for a long time

He emphasized that originally allowing Hong Kong to legislate 23 articles was "to reflect the country's trust in Hong Kong." However, due to the strong obstruction of interference by the anti-China chaotic Hong Kong forces and external hostile forces, the 23 pieces of legislation have not been completed. Moreover, in 2003, 23 legislations were severely stigmatized and demonized in Hong Kong by people with ulterior motives. Therefore, it is said that "the completion of 23 legislations in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is actually very difficult, and there is a risk of being put on hold for a long time." Both the safe legal system and the enforcement mechanism are clearly unsound and inconsistent.

How is the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" different from Article 23?

Article 23 of the Basic Law states that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall legislate itself to prohibit any acts of treason, split the country, incite rebellion, subvert the Central People ’s Government and steal state secrets, and prohibit foreign political organizations or groups in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carry out political activities and prohibit the establishment of ties between political organizations or groups in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and foreign political organizations or groups.

Therefore, compared with the current "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the draft does not cover "treason", "incitement to rebellion" and "stealing state secrets".

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Hong Kong version of the National People's Congress of National Security Law 2020

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