The Limited Times

Paris: Edouard Philippe does not close the door at the opening of parks and gardens

5/22/2020, 7:38:07 PM

It has been one of Anne Hidalgo's struggles since the beginning of the deconfinement, the opening of parks and gardens. Matignon says think about it, under con

It is one of the battles of Anne Hidalgo (PS). On May 12, she wrote to the Prime Minister asking for the reopening of the capital's parks and gardens. But Paris and Ile-de-France, classified in the red zone, could not take full advantage of the green spaces despite a mad desire for greenery and a need for space. Moreover the mayor of the capital multiplied the posts on social networks to influence the government position.

Three conditions to respect

Edouard Philippe did not remain deaf to the calls of the foot of Anne Hidalgo. In a letter dated May 20 that we were able to consult, the Prime Minister, after recalling the genesis of the measures decided by the Defense and National Security Council, underlines that the situation could evolve "" in one of the next phases of deconfinement only if three conditions are met. "

Matignon will first look at health developments in Ile-de-France and therefore in the capital, then if very precise specifications are established - in particular the ban on groups of more than 10 people, compliance with the rules of distancing social - and finally the establishment of a rule "consistent with all the departments of the region, as long as they remain classified in the same area".

But before he can lie down in the Buttes-Chaumont under a century-old tree, Edouard Philippe wishes to consult the prefects of the region as well as the police prefect.

A response from the municipal perspective?

The massive groupings along the Saint-Martin canal, at Les Invalides, or on the bank tracks are certainly no stranger to this answer.

The opening of parks and gardens had also become a campaign issue with a view to the municipal elections on June 28. The mayor and all of his supporters flooding the networks with the hashtag “OuvronLesparcs” With his response, and his door ajar, the Prime Minister defuses a subject that could have tense the supporters of the presidential majority at the time of crossing iron with the mayor.

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