The Limited Times

Resumption of religious ceremonies authorized "in the coming hours"

5/22/2020, 10:35:07 PM

Hand disinfection and mandatory mask, filtering at the entrance: the religious ceremonies will be able to resume according to the modalities fixed by a decree which must enter into force "in the next hours" , announced Friday evening the Ministry of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior and those responsible for religions agreed during a meeting "on the measures to be taken to ensure the heal...

Hand disinfection and mandatory mask, filtering at the entrance: the religious ceremonies will be able to resume according to the modalities fixed by a decree which must enter into force "in the next hours" , announced Friday evening the Ministry of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior and those responsible for religions agreed during a meeting "on the measures to be taken to ensure the health security of all" explains Beauvau in a press release.

This concerted action was imposed on the government after the Council of State on Monday ordered it to lift within a period of "eight days" the total ban on meeting of cults contained in the deconfinement decree of May 11. "If the objective of a general resumption of religious ceremonies remains on June 3" , reminds the ministry, "it will be possible (...) to celebrate again, gradually, offices" from the publication "in the next few hours ” of a decree detailing these measures.

The managers of places of worship and organizers of ceremonies must in particular ensure that the faithful respect barrier gestures and physical distance, wear a mask and disinfect their hands. At the entrance to the place of worship, a person will also have to regulate the flows so as not to exceed a maximum attendance gauge. "The prefects of the department may prohibit the opening or order the closure of a place of worship if these rules are not respected," said the ministry.

"We have worked and found a solution to allow the resumption of religious ceremonies while ensuring the health protection of everyone" , welcomes Christophe Castaner in the press release. The resumption of celebrations with the public was first announced for June 2, before the Prime Minister mentioned the date of May 29. The Catholic episcopate has lobbied in recent weeks to make it effective for Pentecost Sunday, May 31.