The Limited Times

WHO warns: South America is new focus of Covid 19 epidemic

5/22/2020, 10:02:01 PM

GENEVA-SANA The World Health Organization (WHO) warned today that South America is becoming a new epidemic Geneva-Sana The World Health Organization today warned that South America is becoming a new focus of the "Covid 19" epidemic, with a situation of concern, especially in Brazil. "The South America has become a new focus of the disease, we see the number of infections increasing in many countries of the continent ... The concern includes many of these countries, but it is clear that Brazil is the ...


The World Health Organization today warned that South America is becoming a new focus of the "Covid 19" epidemic, with a situation of concern, especially in Brazil.

"The South America has become a new focus of the disease, we see the number of infections increasing in many countries of the continent ... The concern includes many of these countries, but it is clear that Brazil is the most Hit so far.

While Europe “where the epidemic has claimed more than 170,000 people” is gradually restoring normal lives, South America is witnessing a large-scale outbreak of the epidemic with catastrophic repercussions on the economy and jobs.

The organization pointed out that Brazil recorded more than 300 thousand injuries and 19 thousand deaths, knowing that its population is about 210 million people, making it the third most affected country in the world after the United States and Russia.

A number of Brazilian scientists indicated that the official figures do not largely reflect the reality of the epidemic in the country, explaining that it is at least fifteen times less than the truth, which means that the number of infected people may exceed 3.6 million people.

For its part, the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today, 20,522 new cases of the new Corona virus, bringing the total number of infections in the United States to one million and 571617 cases.

The centers indicated that the number of deaths due to illness increased by 1089 to a total of 94,150 deaths.

In turn, the Minister of Health in the Turkish system, Fakhreddin Kogh, announced the registration of 952 new cases of Corona virus in Turkey, bringing the total number of infections to 154500 cases, indicating that 27 new deaths were recorded in the virus, bringing the total deaths to 4276 cases.

As for France, and for the first time since the outbreak of the virus, the competent health authorities have not recorded any new deaths linked to the epidemic during the past 24 hours, while Corona infections increased to 144556 cases after 393 new cases were announced today.

To date, France has recorded 28215 deaths in the fourth highest death toll in the world after the United States, Britain and Italy.

In turn, British Home Secretary Priti Patel announced today that her country will apply the quarantine for a period of 14 days to almost all travelers coming from other countries starting from the eighth of June with a fine of 1000 pounds or 1218 dollars for those who violate the rules.

The government said there would be some exceptions, including ground transportation and freight workers and medical professionals traveling to help fight the emerging corona virus and those coming from Ireland.

To that, Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santosh Silva said that "tourists are welcome in his country" to make Portugal among the first European countries to open its borders to tourists from other countries on the continent.

Santosh Silva added in a press statement that the incoming tourists will undergo some medical checks at the airports, but without putting them in the compulsory quarantine later.

Portugal, which has recorded 30,200 cases of coronavirus and 1,289 deaths, is slowly relaxing the general isolation restrictions in effect since mid-March.

On the Arab level, the Ministry of Health and Population in Egypt announced today that 783 new cases of newly infected Corona virus had been recorded, the highest daily increase since the outbreak and 11 deaths.

Ministry spokesman Khaled Mujahid said that the total number registered in Egypt with the Corona virus to date is 15,786 cases, including 4,347 cases that have been cured, while 707 cases have died.

In turn, the National Center for Disease Control in Libya announced the registration of a new case of coronavirus, bringing the death toll to 72 cases, while 3 people were cured, while the total deaths reached 3 cases.

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