The Limited Times

Same restaurant: 50 people in quarantine, seven infected

5/23/2020, 3:39:21 PM

The district of Leer in Lower Saxony actually believed that it had survived the worst. There were no new infections for a week. But now the corona virus is reporting back there. Seven people are infected, fifty in quarantine. They had visited the same restaurant. Coronavirus measures are still being relaxed.

The district of Leer in Lower Saxony actually believed that it had survived the worst. There were no new infections for a week. But now the corona virus is reporting back there. Seven people are infected, fifty in quarantine. They had visited the same restaurant. Coronavirus measures are still being relaxed.

Hamburg / Leer - Lower Saxony is one of the federal states in which restaurants were the first to reopen. * It was already on Monday, May 11th. In fact, there were no new infections in the district of Leer (East Frisia) for a week. But now the Coronavirus-Sars-Cov-2 * came back with full force.

From Tuesday, May 19 to Friday, May 22, seven new infections were received by the health department *, as the district itself reports. Spicy: The infections could be attributed to a visit to a restaurant in Moormerland. It is the first such case in all of Germany. is currently reporting on this new outbreak wave - also in the corona virus ticker. *

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.