The Limited Times

Happiness, 'renting' a Finn to conquer her

5/29/2020, 6:49:59 PM

Waiting to return to travel lessons from the country of the woods (ANSA)ROME - Being happy, they say, has a lot to do with daily habits. We've all noticed it in these two months of lockdown. And they know it well in Finland, the land of the northern lights, the thousand lakes, the sun at midnight, the forests and even Santa Claus. For the third consecutive year, it is at the top of the UN ranking as the happiest country in the world. But how do they do it? Just a shor...

ROME - Being happy, they say, has a lot to do with daily habits. We've all noticed it in these two months of lockdown. And they know it well in Finland, the land of the northern lights, the thousand lakes, the sun at midnight, the forests and even Santa Claus. For the third consecutive year, it is at the top of the UN ranking as the happiest country in the world. But how do they do it? Just a short walk in the woods, they say: clean air helps to prevent depression and reduce anxiety (and over 70% of Finland is covered with trees). Or you can swim in the ice, perhaps combining a typical Finnish sauna that removes toxins and relieves stress. Or even tasting delights directly in nature.
    Not being able, for the moment, to go and experiment in person with a journey under the banner of "real" Finnish life, "Rent a Finn goes virtual", the social campaign of the Tourist Board to bring Finland directly to travelers and onlookers, with the aim not only to make the culture of the country better known, but also to concretely help people to find a sense of peace and happiness (
    Evolution of the "Rent a Finn" campaign of 2019 (with a trip in the company of eight special local guides up for grabs), the new program includes a series of free live meetings on social networks, accessible to all, during which they are real "guides to Happiness "cover the different areas of the Finnish lifestyle, from nutrition to well-being, from physical activity to leisure. All of them, they assure, are useful for regaining a stable feeling of happiness.
    Among the upcoming events, May 29 is entirely dedicated to the theme "Stay active with a finn", or "stay active with a Finnish". Guides for the occasion are Antti Etelämäkim, sailor and sailor, who, like many Finns, made being on the water a key element for his well-being.
    Antti knows how to read the weather and the sea, as well as nautical charts, and is part of an organization that offers navigation experiences for young people at risk. But there is also Jukka Joutsiniemi, entrepreneur, coach, hiker (without cell phone in his pocket) and lover of the woods, capable of guiding people to their maximum potential. One of the fundamental principles of his company, Lifted, is: "You only have one life to live, so you should take care of yourself" On June 1st, a culinary appointment with "Eat with a finn", or the table according to a Finnish. Protagonist is the starred chef Sasu Laukkonen, who, waiting to welcome tourists in his restaurant in Helsinki, will tell the love for Finnish nature and all the gifts it offers, including wild herbs, local vegetables and the authentic flavors of its products. Note that this man can make ice cream even with pine bark.
    If you want to learn more, you can book an individual session, perhaps with the repoprter Päivikki Koskinen, therapeutic coach and gestalt practitioner. Or with Molla Mills designer and Finnish crafts teacher, known for books on modern crochet (true passion common in Finland).
    On June 12, almost a "classic" with "Be happy with a finn", that is to be happy just like a Finn.
    The event will be attended by several inhabitants of Mathildedal, center of 140 residents, elected village of the year in Finland in 2010. Located in the south of the country, in Salo, right next to the Teijo National Park and the sea, it is full of wooden houses , avenues dotted with oaks and boasts a rich program of concerts, theatrical performances, art galleries and celebrations throughout the year. (HANDLE).

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