The Limited Times

This information in your CV is not only superfluous - it can really harm you

5/29/2020, 8:05:33 PM

The curriculum vitae is the heart of an application. However, you should better refrain from giving information, which you will always stumble upon.

The curriculum vitae is the heart of an application. However, you should better refrain from giving information, which you will always stumble upon.

Before submitting your resume, there are a few things you should check carefully: Is the spelling correct? Are the times really correct? Do the most important professional positions occur? Applicants keep stumbling over the last point, because when it comes to their jobs, many make a serious mistake.

Curriculum vitae: Better to leave out short jobs

Many applicants go into the misconception that they have to write every job in their careers on their CV. But career expert Liz Ryan sees it very differently: "Your resume is a marketing document , not a legal document. You can write down all past jobs that you want and omit all that you don't want," she said in a question and answer session by American Forbes magazine. 

Jobs that you only did for a very short period of time - about three months - should be removed from your resume. Because that simply doesn't make sense , as the expert says.

Read also:  Six typical mistakes in the CV that almost everyone makes once.

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Short employment periods make personnel managers suspicious

This approach is understandable, because those who were in a position for only a short time either did not like their job - or they were bad and were dismissed. In any case, it raises questions in the HR department that applicants get on their feet at the latest during the interview. Or worse: you are not even invited to an interview.

Only name jobs that are important for the new position

Career experts therefore recommend that you highlight those jobs in the résumé that fit the new position - in which you have gained experience that is useful for the new position and company. Because HR managers and managers are really interested. You can also leave out old side jobs or internships that have nothing to do with the desired job.

More on the subject:  CV 2018 - How to get the perfect CV.

And:  A special trick turns your resume from good to great.

Do you want to stay up to date with the latest career news? Then follow our industry page on the Xing career portal.

By Andrea Stettner

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