The Limited Times

Government launches genome project to diagnose and treat genetic diseases and rare diseases to explain why many people in the same family have cancer

5/31/2020, 4:48:59 PM

The government announced earlier that it had set aside 1.2 billion yuan to implement the Hong Kong genome project within 6 years. Fang Yi, deputy secretary general of the Food and Health Bureau, said this morning (31st) that he hopes that the plan can improve the diagnosis rate of genetic diseases and rare diseases, learn about problems as early as possible, and even help treatment. In the first stage, patients are recruited for sequencing It is expected to do 5,000 sequencing within a year and a half. Liang Xiansun, chairman of the Genomic Medicine Steering Committee, pointed out that after identifying the genetic problem, it may explain why many people in the family have cancer, which can help the next treatment. There are opinions in the community that after accepting sequencing, it may affect future insurance purchases. Fang Yi said that in principle, there is no need to explain the sequencing results to insurance companies. According to the guidelines issued by the insurance industry, only about 5% of high-end insurance products may need to declare the results.

Social News

Written by: Huang Weilun

2020-05-31 10:21

Last update date: 2020-05-31 10:21

The government announced earlier that it had set aside 1.2 billion yuan to implement the Hong Kong genome project within 6 years. Fang Yi, deputy secretary general of the Food and Health Bureau, said this morning (31st) that he hopes that the plan can improve the diagnosis rate of genetic diseases and rare diseases, learn about problems as early as possible, and even help treatment. In the first stage, patients are recruited for sequencing It is expected to do 5,000 sequencing within a year and a half. Liang Xiansun, chairman of the Genomic Medicine Steering Committee, pointed out that after identifying the genetic problem, it may explain why many people in the family have cancer, which can help the next treatment.

There are opinions in the community that after accepting sequencing, it may affect future insurance purchases. Fang Yi said that in principle, there is no need to explain the sequencing results to insurance companies. According to the guidelines issued by the insurance industry, only about 5% of high-end insurance products may need to declare the results.

The Genomic Medicine Steering Committee published the first "Hong Kong Genomic Medicine Development Strategy" and made eight recommendations. (Information picture / photo by Luo Junhao)

Database helps diagnose and even treat rare diseases

Fang Yi and Liang Xiansun were interviewed this morning on the commercial program "Political Good Sunday" to talk about the Hong Kong genome project. Fang Yi said that he will cooperate with Children's Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital to recruit patients for voluntary genome sequencing, including rare genetic diseases, and cancer cases that may be related to genetic genes. The first stage is expected to be 1 year to half a year Within the project, 5,000 genes will be sequenced, and the goal is to make about 50,000 programs in 6 years to build a large database. He continued that the database can help diagnose in the future and even treat rare diseases.

Liang Xiansun said that some families or many people have cancer, for example, some genes may cause breast cancer and bowel cancer with a higher probability. After genome sequencing, if related genes are found, they can be checked regularly and even preventive surgery. He also said that there are many genetic tests in the market today, claiming that children's talents can be found, reminding the public to deepen their understanding of genetic tests, and believe that related tests may pose invisible pressure on children.

Liang Xiansun pointed out that after identifying the genetic problem, it may explain why many people in the family have cancer. (Profile picture)

Some people in the community are worried that after accepting the genome sequencing, it may affect the future purchase of insurance. Fang Yi said that citizens who participate in the plan, and accept scientific research and predictive sequencing, in principle, do not need to account for the sequencing results to insurance companies when purchasing insurance. He continued that according to the guidelines recently issued by the insurance industry, basically 95% of the insurance is not affected, and the remaining 5% of high-end insurance products need to be declared. Liang Xiansun pointed out that there is no legislation on the use of genomic data in the insurance industry and no relevant plans, but if the industry finds that there are problems in the future, it does not rule out the need for regulation.

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