The Limited Times

Qalibaf: Negotiating with the United States as the focus of global arrogance is harmful and futile

5/31/2020, 11:28:56 PM

Tehran-Sana, head of the Islamic Shura Council in Iran, Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf, affirmed that the Iranian strategy is towards


The head of the Islamic Shura Council in Iran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, stressed that the Iranian strategy towards the United States is based on confronting the forces of arrogance by all means, indicating that negotiating with them as the axis of these forces is harmful and futile.

Qalibaf pointed out in today's speech that the escalating regional power of the Islamic Republic has contributed to the embodiment and promotion of strategic depth and geopolitical influence of it, which has turned Iran into a symbol of resistance against the arrogant people, and the increased military deterrent force that it now enjoys has robbed the enemy of the aggression of our country.

Qalibaf considered that the size and intensity of the hostility of the hegemonic regime to Iran and its mobilization of its media, economic, political and intelligence machine prove again that Iran has turned into a peer to the capitalist system in the world.

He explained that the scientific excellence and technological development made by the scientific elites in the country created the ground for all kinds of progress, pointing out that the Islamic Republic of Iran has withstood the attack of wide enemies in various political, military, economic, international, security and cultural fields without retreating from its initial goals under one iota and will never retreat.