The Limited Times

Gantz, pain over Palestinian killing

6/1/2020, 7:49:03 AM

Defense minister - and alternate prime minister - Benny Gantz expressed "grief" over the killing by police yesterday in Jerusalem of a Palestinian, unarmed and autistic, whom the agents mistakenly believed were in possession of a weapon. (HANDLE)

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, MAY 31 - The defense minister - alternate epremier - Benny Gantz expressed "pain" for the killing by police yesterday in Jerusalem of a Palestinian, unarmed and autistic, who instead the agents erroneously held in possession of weapon.
    "We are sorry for the incident in which Yihad Elkhalak - Gantz had said at the opening of the government meeting - was killed and we share the pain of the family. I am sure that the investigation into the incident ended quickly and with results".
    Net condemnation by PLO representative HannaAshrawi that "the escalation of Israel's crimes and violations coincides with concrete steps on the ground in preparation for the formal annexation" of parts of the West Bank. "Ending this brutal and violent colonial regime - he concluded - is an international responsibility that the world can no longer evade".