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Virologe Streeck's new forecast for the second corona wave turns everything upside down

6/4/2020, 11:33:41 PM

Virologist Hendrik Streeck whirls everything up with a forecast. Was the previous assumption of a second wave of coronavirus wrong?

Virologist Hendrik Streeck whirls everything up with a forecast. Was the previous assumption of a second wave of coronavirus wrong?

  • The slowly fading corona crisis * enables various easing.
  • According to the virologist Hendrik Streeck , weeks of relaxation will beckon us because of the rising temperatures.
  • However, the number of infections is likely to rise again in autumn .
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany *. We also offer you the current number of cases in Germany * on a map. The following recommendations for Corona protective measures * are currently available.

Munich - Summer is the most sociable time of the year. The climbing temperatures invite you to do things together, such as barbecues or swimming trips . Under the influence of the Corona crisis, however, all of this will look different this time. Keeping clear is the order of the day. It will probably be a very difficult summer to get used to - although in many places tourists are welcome again and most national borders can be crossed .

Nevertheless: crowded beaches and packed hotels or campsites? Not this summer vacation *. Finally, there will be numerous restrictions due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has not yet been fully researched . All the measures that have been adopted in recent weeks are finally accompanied by the fear of starting a second wave of infections , which could also push proven health systems like that to the limits in Germany.

Video: More and more swimming pools open despite the Corona crisis

Virologist Streeck on Corona future in Germany: probably fewer transmissions in summer

It is good if one of the leading experts in the field of virology classifies the omnipresent threat. Hendrik Streeck did this in an interview with the General-Anzeiger and comes to the conclusion: “A wave means something that overwhelms you. I don't think we'll see such a phenomenon. "

The 42-year-old already assumes that we will have weeks of Corona relaxation : "Incidentally, I also assume that we will see fewer transmissions in the summer . A look at the southern hemisphere shows that. ”For the states that are heading towards their winter, Streeck sums up:“ Until recently, we saw in Australia that only 20 percent of transmissions were acquired domestically and 80 percent abroad. That is changing. Also South America is just for high-epidemic area. "

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Virologist Streeck: Warm weather complicates the spread of corona viruses

The weather plays a role here. Means: According to Streeck corona viruses, higher temperatures make it more difficult to spread - not only for the new species, which is currently making life difficult for people around the world. At the same time, the native of Göttingen also warns: "I think that we will see more infections again in autumn ."

All in all, however, the following applies: “I think what is much more likely is not a second wave at all . Instead we will see hotspot outbreaks every now and then, as we are now observing . Maybe 100 people who were infected at once and did not notice it. ”For this reason too, one thing is certain for him: We will have to prepare for a life with SARS-CoV-2 .

Virologist Streeck: Corona researchers are looking for immune responses to viruses

Research * is also aimed at this. "We are currently working a lot here in the laboratory and are trying to better understand the immune responses to the virus , ie which immune responses are effective against the virus and which are not," explains Streeck in the General-Anzeiger . So the general question is "how and whether people are protected after SARS-CoV-2 infection".

The so-called Heinsberg study should also contribute to this . A team led by Streeck got to the bottom of the number of unreported cases in the first German corona hotspot near the Dutch border. The aim was to uncover how many people unconsciously contracted Covid-19 and built up a corresponding immunity *.


Former Corona crisis region: A hotspot for the pandemic developed early on in Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia.

© dpa / Jonas Güttler

There are regular new studies on coronavirus. A new one shows frightening facts: infected people have an increased risk of death after surgery.

Corona expert Streeck defends itself: "Heinsberg study was well received abroad"

The encouraging result was subsequently viewed very critically by the public, which Streeck does not want to leave behind: “The study holds up perfectly among experts and is very well received worldwide . This fact counts. ”He also made it clear:“ The study was well received abroad, in the USA and in European countries and is already being used in meta-analyzes . ”

The Heinsberg study was also a gain for his reputation: “I am the virologist who has seen the most patients who have Covid-19. This is how I learned to assess the virus better . ”As a result, he would“ now give neither warning nor all-clear ”.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Muslims celebrated the end of Ramadan in an IKEA car park in Hesse. The reason? Corona.

Virologist Streeck on Corona future: No interference in decisions about easing

However, Streeck does not want to interfere with questions about easing: "The decision to go back to normal is one that has now completely moved away from virology." Only the people who have been chosen to make such decisions and all aspects are responsible for this to be able to weigh ”. So the politicians.

With the impressions and conclusions of the virologist from the University of Bonn, however, this should be easier. Streeck's tip: “With this virus you have to start thinking about how we can live with it and also design strategies in this sense. Socially, the best and fairest strategy is to look at what our intensive capacities are because we want everyone to benefit from the best possible care. ”

There was a massive corona outbreak in Göttingen - around 160 people are in quarantine, including 57 children and adolescents.

Virologist Streeck on Corona future: "The best parameter is intensive care beds"

If the virus were contained, he would rather move away from the R value , i.e. the number of reproductions *. Because this is a " hypothetical value that depends extremely on how much is tested". Instead, Streeck asks to focus on the hardship cases: " The best parameter is the intensive care beds , because that's what it's all about in the end." That applies to every season.

Chancellor Angela Merkel hands over the corona control to the federal states - but it remains hard on three points. German gastronomy is threatened by a gigantic wave of bankruptcies.

Former Chancellor Gerhard Schöder said he knew one thing better than Merkel in the Corona crisis. Because of the rush of tourists, a North Sea town is already asking for a break. In Markus Lanz's ZDF talk, a guest accuses Merkel of "fairy tales".

Markus Söder is asked about the end of the mask requirement and responds with an extreme answer.

A study has confirmed that the corona hotspot in Ischgl has an immense impact on virus spread in Germany.

German schoolchildren could attend classes in clubhouses or exhibition halls after the summer holidays.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Federico Gambarini

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