The Limited Times

As much short-time work as never before: Over 6500 applications to the employment agency

6/5/2020, 9:09:10 PM

The corona pandemic is also having an impact on the labor market in the region, and the unemployment rate has risen again. Last but not least, the employment agency deals with the subject of "short-time work".  

The corona pandemic is also having an impact on the labor market in the region, and the unemployment rate has risen again. Last but not least, the employment agency deals with the subject of "short-time work".  

Weilheim-Schongau - The corona pandemic and the resulting restrictions in public life continued to put pressure on the job market in May. In the district of the Weilheim employment agency (including the counties of Fürstenfeldbruck, Landsberg, Weilheim-Schongau, Starnberg and Garmisch-Partenkirchen), the unemployment rate rose in May compared to April by 0.3 percentage points to 3.4 percent.

"The rate was last higher in May 2010," the agency writes in its monthly report. In connection with Corona, the topic of "short-time work" comes into focus. For the months of March and April, applications for short-time work were filed in the agency district of 6568 companies for a total of 62,569 people. On this scale - meaning the number of companies and employees - "we have never had this before," said Elvira Thoma, responsible for press and marketing at the agency, on request. In the 2008 financial crisis "it was only a fraction".

Employment agency: 1057 companies register short-time work in the district

Food, retail (excluding motor vehicles) and healthcare are particularly affected. In the Weilheim-Schongau district, 1057 companies with 11 088 employees were registered. However, the number says nothing about the extent to which short-time work benefits are actually used. As a precaution, the companies make applications so that they do not miss any deadlines. In terms of the number of employees, the companies are obliged to use the worst-case scenario. It was not possible to subsequently send more employees on short-time work than was previously announced.

Employment agency: Quota in the district increases to 3.4 percent

Data on how much short-time working allowance has actually been accessed is only available after a five-month delay - in August at the earliest. In order to be able to evaluate the pure "corona effect" in short-time work, the statisticians only consult March and April. Short-time working in May or June, it is assumed, could also have other reasons. 

A total of 13,102 women and men were registered as unemployed in the district in May. That is 4687 more than in May last year. In contrast, there are 4377 job offers. In Weilheim-Schongau district, 2,290 people were unemployed in May (769 more than in 2019). The rate rose from 2.8 to 3.0 percent compared to April. After all: The increase in unemployment in the entire district has decreased compared to April. While 4,494 new people registered as unemployed in the previous month, the number decreased to 3,181 in May. The period of unemployment ended for 1871 people. 

Employment agency: Training market remains fairly stable

In view of the impact of the economic slump, the deterioration in labor market numbers is limited, according to the employment agency. The view of the training market makes Oliver Wackenhut, "Managing Director operational", optimistic: "Fortunately, there will probably not be a particularly disadvantaged Corona year in training." The companies knew that "despite the uncertainties, the training of young people must continue to run ”. The declines in the jobs reported are marginal. Statistically, there are still 1.18 training positions for every registered applicant.

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