The Limited Times

Hong Kong: Parliament begins vote on Chinese anthem

6/5/2020, 9:05:02 PM

The vote on the controversial bill criminalizing contempt for the Chinese national anthem began on Thursday (June 4th) in the Hong Kong Legislative Council, amid growing concerns over Beijing's desire to take over semi-autonomous territory. Pro-democracy activists gathered outside the seat of the local parliament in protest. Read also: Hong Kong at the heart of tensions between Beijing and Washin...

The vote on the controversial bill criminalizing contempt for the Chinese national anthem began on Thursday (June 4th) in the Hong Kong Legislative Council, amid growing concerns over Beijing's desire to take over semi-autonomous territory. Pro-democracy activists gathered outside the seat of the local parliament in protest.

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This text, whose final vote is expected today, provides that "all people and organizations" must respect and honor the Chinese national anthem, and play or sing it on "appropriate occasions" . Offenders face penalties of up to three years in prison and fines of up to 50,000 Hong Kong dollars (nearly 5,800 euros). Departing from their traditional political neutrality, banks HSBC and Standard Chartered supported the bill on Wednesday.

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After being hampered by the coronavirus-related health crisis, pro-democracy protests resumed in the former British colony in the wake of China's introduction of a national security bill to fight secessionist activities , subversive and terrorist as well as against foreign interference.

The people of Hong Kong are worried that Beijing will limit the freedoms and autonomy of this territory, one of the main financial centers of the world. This vote comes as residents prepare to pay tribute to the victims of the deadly repression of the Tiananmen Democratic movement on June 4, 1989 in Beijing by lighting candles throughout the city.

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