The Limited Times

National Anthem Law. Live broadcast|Institutional factions approve Zhu Kaidi and Chen Zhiquan's behavior of despicable police investigation

6/5/2020, 11:15:57 PM

The Legislative Council will continue to review the National Anthem Bill today (4). The chairman of the Legislative Council, Liang Junyan, decided to arrange a 30-hour review of the draft. It is expected that the draft can be voted by third reading at or before 7 pm. Before the recess yesterday, the Legislative Council entered the stage of deliberation by the Committee of the Whole. Officials will be invited to speak this morning and vote on the amendment later. Today is the 31st anniversary of the June 4th episode, coupled with the controversy of the National Anthem Act, and the atmosphere inside and outside the parliament is tense. "Hong Kong 01" will broadcast the situation in the Legislative Council for you.

Political situation

Written by: Peng Zhuowei, Zheng Rongdi, Wu Zhuo'an

2020-06-04 08:57

Date of last update: 2020-06-04 15:41

The Legislative Council will continue to review the National Anthem Bill today (4). The chairman of the Legislative Council, Liang Junyan, decided to arrange a 30-hour review of the draft. It is expected that the draft can be voted by third reading at or before 7 pm. Before the recess yesterday, the Legislative Council entered the stage of deliberation by the Committee of the Whole. Officials will be invited to speak this morning and vote on the amendment later.

Today is the 31st anniversary of the June 4th episode, coupled with the controversy of the National Anthem Act, and the atmosphere inside and outside the parliament is tense. "Hong Kong 01" will broadcast the situation in the Legislative Council for you.

Zhu Kaidi threw odorous liquid in the meeting, the meeting was suspended (Photo by Luo Junhao)

[13:25] All firefighters who enter the conference hall wear oxygen masks and oxygen bottles on their backs.

[13:09] A large number of police officers entered the Legislative Council Chamber to investigate the incident.

Zhu Kaidi throws odorous liquid in the meeting

[13:00] Zhu Kaidi said that the tossing was mainly organic fertilizer, which was similar to that of Xu Zhifeng last week. As for whether there were insects, he said that he did not study it carefully.

[12:55] During the speech by Lu Songxiong of the Federation of Trade Unions, People’s Power Chen Zhiquan and Zhu Kaidi suddenly sprinted toward the rostrum with a slogan, shouting "the murderous regime, the smell of a decade." Zhu Kaidi threw the liquid in the conference hall. Chen Zhiquan failed to throw it under the guard of the security guard, but described it as a "smelly liquid", while Huang Dingguang said that it came from feces.

[12:40] Congressman Zhu Kaidi asked for the number of people.

↓↓↓ Zhu Kaidi throws smelly liquid in the meeting ↓↓↓




Legislative Council begins third reading debate on "National Anthem Bill"

[11:40] All the amendments proposed by the Pan-President were rejected, and the Legislative Council entered the third reading process at 11:40 in the morning. Chairman Liang Junyan set aside 6 hours to deal with the third reading process, and the vote is expected to be at 5:45 pm.

[11:00] Yang Yueqiao, the leader of the Citizen Party, believes that if the national anthem wants to use criminal means to ask the people to respect it, it means that the song has been rejected by at least some people. In his speech at the Legislative Council yesterday, He Junyao, an institutional member, used the analogy of "chasing a girl" to be patriotic. "It may not be a love channel at the beginning. If you chase and chase, you will get married." Yang refuted his remarks, "If there is a penalty in the national anthem law, that is, there is a girl pointing you with a gun and asking you to marry her. If you marry, you will be given pellets to eat; if you marry, you will die, but the gun will always be The head of the bed is against you." He asked in return, does such "marital life" reflect true love? Yang also pointed out that the major local TV stations have been broadcasting the national anthem before the evening news period since 2004, and it has been broadcasting for 16 years. Patriotic is like "chasing a girl". "This girl has been chasing after 16 years. The question is whether the girl is your own?"

[10:40] The chairman of the Democratic Party, Hu Zhiwei, said that the national anthem originally belonged to the land and the people, but it became a tribute to the fatherhood of the Communist Party under the control of the Communist Party. He said that the hardships brought to the people after the liberation of the mainland are hard to come by. Although some people think that the country has been prosperous and powerful in the past 30 years, the past things should not be mentioned again. "But a country that stands up should admit that it has made mistakes. Never admit mistakes, always shouting "great, bright, correct", "Wei Guangzheng, thinking of eating Viagra, you can be strong all your life, but everyone knows that the virtual fire will eventually die out."

Zeng Guowei indicated that he did not support all the amendments of the democratic

[10:10] The National Anthem Bill completes the debate of all members in the Legislative Council at 10 am. Liang Junyan invited the Secretary of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Zeng Guowei, to speak. Zeng Guowei indicated that he did not support all 21 amendments proposed by 4 democratic members. case.

Chen Zhiquan said that he proposed 20 amendments, but only 16 were approved, but only 10 hours of debate time at the stage of the committee, he only had one opportunity to speak, only to explain one amendment, that is, amendment 5(2) Article stipulating that the Chief Executive in Council shall not include the occasion of religious ceremonies in Schedule 3. He questioned whether the significance of lawmakers can propose amendments in legislation still exists.

[10:00] Zheng Songtai, a passionate citizen, criticized the National Anthem Act for its poor quality. For example, there were problems in translation and semantics. He also pointed out that insults to the National Anthem are very vague, and the regulations are ambiguous, which may make enforcement difficult. He also worried that after the legislation, he would create "white terror" on the campus.

The DAB Chen Keqin said that the citizens of a country should be obliged to respect the country. They emphasized that insults to the national anthem must be intentional and behavioral. It is illegal to criticize the lawmakers. He said that the amendments of the Democratic members of the Congress "reform many and many wrong", redundant and unworkable, that public consultation is a superfluous performance.

[09:00] The Legislative Assembly resumes this morning to continue to review the national anthem law. At the beginning of the meeting, the Democratic Party Yin Zhaojian said that today is the 31st anniversary of the June 4th Incident and hoped that Chairman Liang Junyan would allow lawmakers to observe silence for 64 seconds. Liang Junyan said that in accordance with parliamentary practice and Rule 18(1) of the Rules of Procedure, if the Legislative Council needs to perform a silent mourning, it cannot be conducted in the middle of the meeting, so it does not approve the observance of the silent mourning and calls on the members to find another occasion.

Zeng Guowei stated that he did not support the 21 amendments proposed by the Democrats. (Photo by Liang Pengwei)

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National Anthem Law Legislative Council