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Philipp Amthor (CDU): Absurd photo from the Bundestag causes laughter - Did he ...?!

6/5/2020, 9:35:11 PM

An actually harmless photo by Philipp Amthor from the Bundestag creates an absurd Twitter joke. Guilt is an author of the ZDF "Today Show".

An actually harmless photo by Philipp Amthor from the Bundestag creates an absurd Twitter joke. Guilt is an author of the ZDF "Today Show".

  • An actually harmless photo by Philipp Amthor ( CDU ) from the Bundestag amuses many on Twitter .
  • It was posted by an author of the ZDF - "heute-show" .
  • Is that behind him ...?

Berlin - Philipp Amthor (27) is one of the best-known young politicians of the CDU . At least since the back and forth about a possible replica of the high waves Rezo video (see above) a few months ago, which was ultimately not published. Amthor is omnipresent not only on the talk shows, but also on social media. It polarizes through its appearance. And has no problem with it. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old always gets ridicule that goes inappropriately. It doesn't have to be. But sometimes Amthor is just at the center of funny oddities.

If you found your speech so cool that you have to watch it again right away

- ZDF today show (@heuteshow) May 8, 2020

Philipp Amthor: Author of the ZDF “Today Show” juxes over photo on Twitter

On Twitter , he is currently a noticeably frequent topic with the “Today Show” team *. Be it with the official account (see above). Or with Roman Wagner , who works as an author for the ZDF program and tweeted several times about Philipp Amthor. In a post on May 7th, it became completely abstruse. That is probably why the post went somewhat viral. More than 600 retweets and more than 8,500 “likes” were posted after less than two days. In addition, a series of crazy comments.

You can see an actually harmless looking photo, which was obviously taken in the German Bundestag. But Roman Wagner noticed something: "At first, thought there was a chicken in the background", writes the "heute-show" author. And confirms this with a manipulated edition of the same photo. Indeed! Insane!

At first thought there was a chicken in the background

- Roman Wagner (@RealRomanWagner) May 7, 2020

Philipp Amthor photo causes many reactions: "Who comes up with such a prank?"

How can you come up with something like that, some might ask. And diligently joke along. "Oh god, me too", "PA the man. Chick Magnet Deluxe ”and“ Who comes up with such a joke ? ”Are three of the comments. “Nature is returning to the plenary hall. Soon we see dolphins playing with the balls in the car lobby again . So beautiful <3 “, writes another user.

And one of the nicest reactions: “It's the 'bring your pet with you to work'. The chicken chose Phillip because the guinea pig wanted to sleep longer that day. ”Did Philipp Amthor bring his pet to the Bundestag? Too bad, rather not ... unfortunately only one bag. But it was always worth the joke.

By the way, the bag in chicken style belongs to  Britta Haßelmann , Wagner explains. She is the first parliamentary director of the parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen.

And if you really can't get enough of Roman Wagner tweets about Philipp Amthor, you will also find this here. Raising the eyebrow is again a refreshing proof that Philipp Amthor doesn't take himself so seriously.

When the Chancellor says that the clubs reopen

- Roman Wagner (@RealRomanWagner) May 5, 2020

Greens boss Robert Habeck was obviously able to laugh about a failure that he made in a video interview.

Donald Trump: A steak that should look like the US President goes viral on Facebook.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Kay Nietfeld