The Limited Times

The public deficit will widen to 11.4% of GDP this year, announces Darmanin

6/5/2020, 9:12:21 PM

A figure revised upwards since the last forecast of the government which amounted to 9%.The public deficit will widen to 11.4% of GDP this year, with the plunge in activity and massive spending incurred to support the economy, announced Thursday the Minister of Public Accounts Gérald Darmanin. Read also: Growth, deficit, unemployment: all these forecasts undermined by the coronavirus The government's forecast of public deficit has so far stood at 9% of GDP. " We are more and more i...

The public deficit will widen to 11.4% of GDP this year, with the plunge in activity and massive spending incurred to support the economy, announced Thursday the Minister of Public Accounts Gérald Darmanin.

Read also: Growth, deficit, unemployment: all these forecasts undermined by the coronavirus

The government's forecast of public deficit has so far stood at 9% of GDP. " We are more and more in debt " because " we have spent a lot of money ", but " the situation is under control ", said the minister on France 2 this Thursday morning.

The Minister recalled that a new amending budget will be examined on June 10, the third in six months. If the deficit and growth figures, down 11%, " can make you dizzy ", Gérald Darmanin indicated that " we still see the return of economic growth (...) the French consume and VAT returns to the state coffers , "he said.