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Viral photo: What hobby cook does with pizza not only horrifies Italians - "calls the police"

6/5/2020, 11:16:37 PM

Can you do that? Many think: No! And call for drastic measures. What a hobby cook does with her pizza causes outrage.

Can you do that? Many think: No! And call for drastic measures. What a hobby cook does with her pizza causes outrage.

  • The photo of a hobby cook goes viral on different channels.
  • It's not only Italians who cry about what they do with their pizza .
  • Just kidding ? Probably - but the outrage is still great.

Munich / Rome - There is something like an unwritten preparation law for pizza *. This should be baked in the oven , of course preferably in a wood or stone oven, a normal one does too. 

In very, very large emergencies, baked pizza can also be heated in the pan or, in the worst case, in the microwave. Or be consumed cold. A photo that goes viral now shows that there is another way - or in the opinion of many not .

Numerous Reddit * threads are dedicated to this photo alone. A post by the German Twitter channel Influencer Reality collected more than 2,000 likes. And on Friday (May 29th) it made it into the top ten list of 

Well you snails and sugar eels.
What is there to eat with you this afternoon?
I'm going to cook a slice of pizza.

- Influencer Reality (@infoluencer) May 27, 2020

Pizza preparation in a different way: hobby cook causes outrage

You can see a hobby cook in a normal kitchen. But many who turn their eyes to the stove are shocked: a piece of pizza is actually floating in a pot of water

Here the dough is not baked, but cooked. A very unusual method of preparation. But that is not completely new. Because another photo of a cooked slice of pizza went online several months ago.

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Pizza in a saucepan: Italians start to cry

Can I cook pizza? No, find many purists and other pizza fans. " Italians howl everywhere, " writes an observer at Reddit. "As an Italian, I can confirm that I'm crying," replies another.

"WTF, it's like eating a burger with a fork ", "Oh damn no, someone has to call the police," are further horrified comments. 

A user still has hope: "Maybe ... is she frying? That would be the only acceptable resolution! ”But this hope doesn't last long. "It looks a lot like water," is the prompt answer. "I know. It is cruel ... "

A user even wishes the hobby cook something VERY bad: "Well, I'm really a peaceful person ... but the pizza doesn't deserve that, and I hope your arms will slide down every time you wash your hands !"

Similar trouble brought a pasta idea a few months ago, according to *. "Banish them from Italy" was only an outraged reaction.

Cooking pizza: photo just a provocative joke? Many hope: yes!

Who is the hobby cook and whether it really is an influencer remains as unclear in the various threads as to whether and whether the whole photo is just a provocative joke . A conscious taboo break. Probably yes. Or - hopefully from the perspective of many.

A look at the inscription on the salt shaker on the kitchen shelf shows that the photo is probably not from Germany. But here in Germany, too, the image causes great surprise.

A beach photo that shows a very unusual illusion also causes a sensation at Reddit.


* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list image: © Pizza

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