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“Learning holidays” for a million children: the government promises 200 million euros

6/6/2020, 11:49:50 AM

Families will be helped financially to allow children to go to summer camps or summer camps, while The summer vacation 2020 will not be like the others, coronavirus crisis requires. Jean-Michel Blanquer announced Saturday the release of 200 million euros to finance the "learning vacation" program, which should allow "one million" students to catch up during the summer the delay accumulated since the start of confinement. In total, more than twelve million students are schooled in France, accord...

The summer vacation 2020 will not be like the others, coronavirus crisis requires. Jean-Michel Blanquer announced Saturday the release of 200 million euros to finance the "learning vacation" program, which should allow "one million" students to catch up during the summer the delay accumulated since the start of confinement. In total, more than twelve million students are schooled in France, according to ministry statistics.

This device should allow all children to be able to go on vacation to "have fun while catching up on some of what could not be done during the school year" marked by the closure of schools due to an epidemic , declares the Minister of Education in an interview with Ouest-France.

"We are going to put 200 million in four operations that will allow a million children and young people to have fulfilling and educational vacations, completely free for the poorest families, whose children will be priority," he adds. .

Platform put online Friday

The government wishes in particular to finance "250,000 departures" in "learning" summer camps, including "200,000" places reserved for "young people from priority areas of the city", specifies in the same interview to Ouest-France the secretary of State of Youth Gabriel Attal. A platform will be made available "next Friday" on the ministry's website.

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"Educational game" and "school remobilization" for students who drop out will also be on the program of airy "learning" centers, which could accommodate "300,000 children", explains Gabriel Attal.

Some "50,000" young people under the age of 17 are also called upon to do "open truancy school" this summer, "in the countryside or in the coastal area to discover nature and local heritage", says Jean-Michel Blanching.

2,500 establishments opened this summer

The Minister is also counting on the summer opening of 2,500 schools, from primary to high school, in cities and rural areas, for educational support activities for 400,000 students in total.

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For these “open schools”, “we will need 25,000” teachers, “five times more than today”, estimates Jean-Michel Blanquer, who affirms “(being able) to count on the mobilization” of associative partners of the 'National education' like that of teachers'.