The Limited Times

Brera reopens on 9 June, free until autumn

6/6/2020, 6:41:50 PM

After the closure for the Coronavirus emergency, on 9 June, or next Tuesday, the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan will reopen which will be free until the autumn. (HANDLE)

MILAN - After the closure for the Covid emergency, the Pinacoteca di Brera will reopen on Tuesday 9 June with a series of restrictions but also new ones. In this first phase of reopening, in fact, the museum hours will be reduced: Tuesday and Wednesday only in the morning (from 9.30 to 13.30 but with last entry at 11.50); from Thursday to Sunday only in the afternoon from 14 to 18.30 (last entry at 17). The time available to visitors who will have an hour and a half to visit the open halls of the Pinacoteca will also be reduced, or better quoted. The smaller ones will remain inaccessible with the opportunity to admire the masterpieces that host from behind the barriers. Visits must be booked (maximum one hundred admissions per hour). And this is where the most positive news comes from. The first is that Brera will be free until autumn. "Gratuitousness is our way of saying thank you to the city, of being grateful to it - explained the director James Bradburne - If Brera is in the heart of Milan, the Milanese are in the heart of Brera". And then there is the idea of ​​making the visit personalized. When booking from the website, some questions are asked (for example about the presence of children). The Brera box is then sent via email a series of materials to make the visit a personal, tailor-made experience. "This is not the time to rebuild destructive practices, but to start over to create a new, more authentic, sustainable, environmentally friendly paradigm," added Bradburne. All the online initiatives conceived in the closing months (such as the streaming concerts of the students of the civic school Claudio Abbado) and indeed enriched are confirmed. The celebrations for the Raphaelesque year will resume in September with an excursus on the arrangements of the Marriage of the Virgin from 1806 to 1977, finding further development in the reconstruction of the installation conceived in 1976 by Bruno Munari (on the occasion of the Process for the Museum). A path that will ideally continue with the Ninth Dialogue Perspectives in perspective, a virtual exhibition that will accompany the Marriage with the Chinese scroll Journey on the river during Qingming, created by Zhang Zeduan. On the 21st, the Rosa di Brera Prize returns, awarded every year to an excellent supporter of the Pinacoteca.