The Limited Times

Ceferin at Lyon, 3 August is a deadline for Cups

6/6/2020, 5:16:26 PM

France chaos, President OL Aulas asked for extension to UEFA (ANSA)UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin has informed his colleague from Lyon, Jean-Michel Aulas via email, that it is impossible to extend the deadline of 3 August to communicate the list of clubs registered for the European cup next season, 2020- ' 21. This was confirmed by sources close to the top manager of the European football confederation.     "We cannot change the date - explains Ceferin to Aul...

UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin has informed his colleague from Lyon, Jean-Michel Aulas via email, that it is impossible to extend the deadline of 3 August to communicate the list of clubs registered for the European cup next season, 2020- ' 21. This was confirmed by sources close to the top manager of the European football confederation.
    "We cannot change the date - explains Ceferin to Aulas -, and indeed we expect it to be officially confirmed at our Executive meeting on June 17. In order to guarantee equality between our 55 federations, we cannot take into account the specific needs of a individual country.
    So we ask all federations to meet the deadline. "
    All this stems from Aulas' hope that the French Council of State will establish (the ruling is expected on Monday or Tuesday) that Ligue 1, 'canceled' on April 30, must resume, an eventuality which however would not allow the tournament to end within on August 3. But now it is clear that UEFA will not 'wait' for the French.