The Limited Times

Chamber approves school decree. Azzolina: 'Now guidelines for September'

6/6/2020, 11:28:05 AM

The decree, which had been approved in the Senate on May 28th, today received the final go-ahead from the Chamber of Deputies. "The text has been improved during the parliamentary process thanks to the responsible work of the government majority. With the aim of putting students at the center and guaranteeing quality of education", explained the Minister of Education (ANSA)

The Chamber of Deputies approved the decree on school with 245 votes in favor. I have been against 122.

The decree on the school governing the final state exams of the first and second cycle of education, the final assessment of the pupils, the conclusion of the school year 2019/2020 and the start of 2020/2021, the extraordinary bankruptcy procedures are law for I and II grade secondary school. "It is a provision born in the midst of an emergency that allows you to regularly close the school year. Now we define the guidelines for September, to bring students back to school in presence and in safety," says Azzolina.

The decree, which had been approved in the Senate on May 28th, today received the final go-ahead from the Chamber of Deputies. "The text has been improved during the parliamentary process thanks to the responsible work of the majority of government. With the aim of putting students at the center and ensuring quality of education", explained Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina.

From middle III exams to high school, marks and fast substitutes
All the innovations introduced the school decree that has become law today
The decree on the school that governs the final state exams of the first and second cycle of education, the final assessment of the pupils, the conclusion of the school year 2019/2020 and the start of 2020/2021, the extraordinary insolvency procedures for the secondary school of I and II degree. The decree, which had been approved in the Senate on May 28, today received the final green light from the Chamber of Deputies - 245 votes in favor against 122 - after the very strong obstructionism carried out in recent days by the opposition, in particular by the Lega, culminating with a tussle in the courtroom, a banner "Azzolina boccia" shown in the Chamber and the session continued throughout the night.

"It is a provision created in the midst of an emergency that allows the regular closing of the current school year. The text has been improved during the parliamentary process thanks to the responsible work of the government majority with the aim of putting students at the center and ensuring quality of education. Now we define the guidelines for September, to bring students back to school, in presence and in safety ", commented the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina. These are the main points of the measure:

* State exams and final assessment of pupils The decree contains the regulatory framework for the conduct of the final state exams of the first and second cycle and for the final assessment of students. Following the coronavirus emergency, specific and simplified measures have been envisaged for this school year. In particular, the 1st cycle state exam coincides with the final evaluation by the class council, which will also take into account a paper delivered and discussed online by the students. While for the maturity only the oral test in attendance is provided.

* Primary school grades, changes Descriptive judgments return, in primary school, instead of tenths grades. The novelty will be reintroduced from the next school year. A subsequent Ordinance of the Ministry of Education will give schools all the operational indications. * More protections for pupils with disabilities School managers, on the basis of "specific and motivated requests from families of pupils with disabilities", taking into account the particularity of this school year, after hearing the Class Councils and acquiring the opinion of the working group for the inclusion of their school, will allow "the re-enrollment of the student to the same year of course attended in the school year 2019/2020". This will make it possible to recover the failure to achieve the didactic and inclusive objectives for autonomy, established in the individualized educational plan.

* Privatists, news for those taking the exam in September Private candidates who will have to take the II cycle exam in the extraordinary session of September, pending the graduation, can participate with reserve in the admission tests to the degree courses in programmed number and other tests required by universities, or post-diploma higher education. They may also participate with reserve in public insolvency procedures, selections and qualification procedures for which a II degree diploma is required.

* School building, special powers for mayors Speeding up of school building interventions: until 31 December 2020, mayors and presidents of provinces and metropolitan cities will be able to operate with commission powers.

* Precarious, how the extraordinary competition changes The extraordinary competition for entry to the secondary school of I and II degree changes. Teachers who qualify for participation will no longer take a cross test, but a test with open-ended questions, always on the computer. The test will be different for each class of competition. The competition notice, already published in the Official Journal at the end of April, will be modified taking into account the innovations introduced. The tests will take place as soon as epidemiological conditions permit. The winners of the competition entered in the role in 2021/2022 who fall within the quota of places destined for the school year 2020/2021 will be recognized the legal effect of the contract, also for the purposes of seniority, from 1 September 2020.

* Alternates, the rankings become provincial and digital The rankings of the alternates will be updated, but also provincialized and digitized. Therefore, the provisions of the December school decree will be implemented, with a simplification to ensure the implementation of the new rules in time for the new school year: the Ministry will be able to issue a special Ordinance, instead of moving by regulation. The provincialization will allow to relieve the secretariats of the educational institutions: the Ministry's territorial offices will follow the process and assign the substitutions. The presentation of the applications will be computerized; substitutes will be assigned more quickly.

* At the start the table on qualifying courses The establishment of a comparison table is planned to start "periodically enabling courses" and clarify the path to become teachers. The table will be chaired by the Minister.