The Limited Times

Commemoration of the Landing without a veteran, the bells will ring everywhere at 6.44 p.m.

6/6/2020, 9:26:10 AM

D-Day commemorations on June 6, 1944 will be limited this year in Normandy because of the health crisis. The co-founder of Norma

"It is incredible, truly incredible, that from such a simple idea, we can, by thought, unite thousands of people at the same time in California, Belgium, Paris or Normandy! Nicolas Bellée, co-founder of the Normandy Victory Museum in Carentan (Manche), cannot believe the success of his initiative.

He indeed proposed a few weeks ago to ring the bells of as many churches as possible this June 6 at 6:44 pm, in tribute to the soldiers who came to Normandy to liberate Europe from the Nazi yoke. And today, more than 2,000 municipalities around the world, in France of course, but also in the United States, Canada, Belgium, Great Britain, have committed to respond to this invitation and to ring the bell together the bells of their church!

A commemoration in reduced format, for the first time

It must be said that for the first time since 1945, the commemorations of the Landing, a health crisis oblige, will take place in a very small committee, bringing together at most some officials and representatives of associations, instead of the tens of thousands of people who usually come meditate on these sites, in Sainte-Mère-Église, in Utah Beach (Manche), or in Omaha Beach (Calvados).

This year, of course, they cannot be there. And it is painful for some. Starting with the veterans themselves, increasingly rare, and whose presence here constitutes an increasingly precious event.

“So we wanted to find a solution so that everyone could, despite everything, share this moment, even from a distance. That's how the idea for this symbol came to me. Ring the bells in as many municipalities as possible. It was hoped that some would answer the call. We know today that they will be more than 2000! From sharing emails in social networks, the proposal went viral. We received commitments from Los Angeles, San Diego, from different Belgian, English and Canadian cities. It is fabulous ! "Enthuses Nicolas Bellée.

"The duty of memory is written deep inside us"

Stéphanie Colart, 37, has just heard this call from Armentières (North) where she lives. Passionate about history, she immediately relayed it: “I contacted the mayor to tell him about this initiative. And the bells should ring here too! The duty of memory is, in my opinion, inscribed at the bottom of each of us. And that there can be like that a cohesion between all those who hear the bells ringing near their home, I find it very beautiful. Really. It is a very special occasion to have, despite the health context, a little thought at that time, wherever we are in the world, for those who gave their lives for our freedom. "