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Coronavirus: why there will be no epidemiological assessment this weekend

6/6/2020, 5:01:33 PM

The next update of health monitoring in France will take place on Monday, announced the Directorate General of Health Friday evening.

A first for more than three months! As a sign that the coronavirus epidemic is regressing on French territory, no epidemiological point will be made by the Directorate General of Health (DGS) this weekend, she announced Friday evening.

Between the press releases sent by email and the press conferences provided physically by the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, we had to go back at least to February 22 to find a day when no daily report had been announced. During this period, France recorded only one death and twelve people had tested positive.

From 7,148 to 1,094 patients in intensive care

Suffice to say that it was an eternity ago, while the last report communicated this Friday evening reported 29,111 deaths in hospitals, medico-social establishments and nursing homes. And 153,055 individuals tested positive, not counting all those infected but who did not undergo screening because they had no symptoms.

Nevertheless, the health situation has improved greatly day by day for almost two months. From 7,148 people in intensive care on April 8, we rose to 1,094 this Friday, June 5, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The epidemic is now "controlled", said Thursday in Le Parisien Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the Scientific Council. At DGS, we therefore consider that the frequency of epidemiological follow-up assessments may decrease, whereas they should have been daily when the health situation was the most serious or most worrying.

"Vigilance remains essential"

Already, in recent weeks, Jérôme Salomon no longer appeared on the screen (with exceptions), and the DGS only broadcast a simple press release. In April, seeing and hearing him take stock of the day had, on the contrary, become an almost ritualized habit each evening.

Another recent development: the balance in Ehpad was no longer daily since the middle of May. This could also be explained by bugs in the rise in the number of deaths on certain days.

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"Vigilance remains essential and the points will continue at a regular frequency if the health situation justifies it", nonetheless emphasizes the Directorate General of Health to the Parisian this Saturday.