The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: concern in Rosario for a returnee who arrived from Peru after testing positive

6/6/2020, 9:31:56 PM

He is an older adult and arrived this Saturday at the bus terminal. They think he is already recovered, but they did a new test on him. Waiting for the result, they isolated all the passengers.

Lucas Aranda

06/06/2020 - 14:56

  • Clarí
  • Society

An older adult was isolated this Saturday morning in Rosario after returning to the country on a repatriation flight from Peru. The arrival of the bus set off the alarm at the Bus Terminal because the patient had a certificate of prior analysis that tested positive for coronavirus. The Municipality ordered the quarantine of the people who traveled with him and estimated that the risk of contagion is "low".

The operation in charge of the Integrated System of Sanitary Emergencies (Sies) for the transfer to the Carrasco Hospital was carried out with all the precautions corresponding to a case of COVID-19. Samples were taken from the patient and his companions in the bus to confirm if someone has the disease.

In this sense, official sources specified that the protagonist of the story has been " asymptomatic for more than five days " and protective masks were used, which is why they consider the possibility of transmission to be minimal if he carries the virus.

As reported by the Municipality of Rosario, the returnees traveled with masks and masks, so they consider the possibility of infection to be minimal.

Health Secretary Leonardo Caruana indicated that the traveler experienced the first symptoms more than three weeks ago . Meanwhile, the authorities set to work to examine the corresponding documentation, since the positive may refer to "immunological vestiges", that is, antibodies generated after overcoming the pathology. If so, it would already be considered as recovered. However, the official warned about it: "We will work as if it were a confirmed case, reducing all risks."

The arrival of the bus coincided with the start of the social outings allowed for family and emotional gatherings throughout the province, a modality that is applied in principle for weekends and holidays. In Rosario, 10 days have passed since the last positive test and this Monday they plan the reopening of bars and restaurants along with the resumption of sports activity as part of the new phase of the health emergency.

Plaza Pringles, in the center of Rosario, a city where bars and restaurants are scheduled to reopen on Monday.

From the local Executive they opted for caution against unofficial versions of irregularities in the administrative process for the entry of returnees to the country. "Today we are putting all the energy into what we have been doing: caring for this person, accompanying them and establishing a link with each family to analyze in a context of serenity," explained Caruana.

In this regard, he recalled that in the last cases they had to work with special emphasis on avoiding the “panic” surrounding detection. Waiting for the results of the swabs, he asked for calm and stressed: "Sometimes we start to chase the people around us instead of taking care of them."