The Limited Times

Hobbies: Bic invents the pen to tattoo yourself

6/8/2020, 11:14:07 PM

The accessory, which allows you to draw a temporary tattoo on the skin, aims to launch a fashion effect for the summer.

Before returning to the Tattoo World at the Grande Halle de la Villette, postponed to October because of the coronavirus, you may want to give in to the trend by displaying your mood on the skin.

Since the 80s, the art of tattooing meets more and more followers as well in the women as in the men. According to a study, 18% of French people have already gone under the needles, although many still fear ending up with a failed drawing.

To respond to this craze, but also to these fears, the Bic brand, well known for its writing accessories, had the idea of ​​offering pens for temporary tattoos. "Equipped with a fine and flexible tip, the pens make it possible, depending on the use and the techniques, to design both small details and fully color larger solid areas," explains the manufacturer.

These pens are available in a range of eight shades: black, brown, red, pink, purple, blue, turquoise, green. “A fan that opens up the field of possibilities to the imagination and why not, the project of a real tattoo? "Continues Bic.

This tattoo will be able to resist for several days. In the event of a disaster, one or more washes with soapy water are sufficient to remove it. For drawing dummies, the brand will provide different types of stencils or patterns online.