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Sanitary rules at school: parents' fed up

6/8/2020, 3:43:02 PM

Many families are campaigning to have the very strict protocol in place to fight Covid-19 lightened.For Erika, it is important not to rush. "In my opinion, do not touch the health protocol and even keep it at the start of the school year," advises this mother of a CM2 student in Paris. Even if these are heavy and drastic measures, they are the ones that have enabled us to overcome this crisis and that could protect us in the event of a resurgence of the coronavirus in the coming months. " If ma...

For Erika, it is important not to rush. "In my opinion, do not touch the health protocol and even keep it at the start of the school year," advises this mother of a CM2 student in Paris. Even if these are heavy and drastic measures, they are the ones that have enabled us to overcome this crisis and that could protect us in the event of a resurgence of the coronavirus in the coming months. "

If many parents voted for these rules when they were implemented on May 11, during the first phase of deconfinement, they are now less inclined, unlike Erika, to wish to maintain them. "We must move towards a relaxation, especially since we now know that children do not transmit the virus or very little," argues Olivier, father of a student in 5th in Lyon (Rhône).

A reference to the French Society of Pediatrics study. Unveiled last week, it shows the weak role played by children in the contamination. For many parents, this information raised the last reluctance for a review of sanitary measures. Because, if 1.8 million schoolchildren have taken over, it is dotted, at the rate of one or two days a week only in most cases.

"Impossible to respect"

“We are told that children are not the super-contaminants that we have been told about. Therefore, why not abolish the rules of physical distance. I have a daughter in a small section, and it is clear that this measure is almost impossible to respect. We could also allow them to share objects again ( note: books, toys, pencils, etc. ) ”notes Laurène, mother of two girls attending school in Aulnat near Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme).

The reception of her two children, with reduced schedules, last Monday, allowed her to resume her activity as a full-time sports educator when she had to exercise part-time in recent weeks to babysit her little ones. For Marion, still in telework, the relaxation of this health protocol is "the key to economic recovery".

This mother of three children schooled in Paris in different establishments of the first degree noted very disparate conditions of return to class. “In my son's private primary school, where there was a general mobilization, they manage to accommodate around 85% of the students despite the health protocol. In my daughter's public primary school, it's not more than 30%, and even less in my youngest child's kindergarten. But there, the directors are not helped much, they did as they could, ”she said.

The absence of certain teachers is also pointed out by families. For them, it is as much necessary to soften health rules as to encourage their return. Last week, in elementary school and college, between 35% and 40% had still not returned to class, according to the last count of the ministry.

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"It is sad, because in a new situation, we could have hoped that the teachers will mobilize to give lessons during these last weeks. But there are a lot of people absent, ”laments Pascal, father of two college students in the suburbs of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne).