The Limited Times

Stella Jean, who is the Italian-Haitian designer who has conquered the anti-racist square - Lifestyle

6/8/2020, 10:18:31 PM

(HANDLE)Stella Jeaninflamed Piazza del Popolo in Rome on Sunday 7 June at the demonstration for George Floyd, the African-American who after 8 minutes 46 seconds of agony, despite a low voice saying 'I can't breath', not breath, was suffocated by the knee of a white policeman from Minneapolis, a violent and absurd death that sparked protests in America and in chains in other European capitals. Among the t...

Stella Jeaninflamed Piazza del Popolo in Rome on Sunday 7 June at the demonstration for George Floyd, the African-American who after 8 minutes 46 seconds of agony, despite a low voice saying 'I can't breath', not breath, was suffocated by the knee of a white policeman from Minneapolis, a violent and absurd death that sparked protests in America and in chains in other European capitals. Among the thousands of young people who spontaneously met, with the tam tam of social media, the words of the Italian-Haitian designer rang for a garrison in memory of Floyd. "I don't like the limelight, but today I speak because it is not possible to be silent, it is not possible for my children to suffer the same threats that I suffered as a girl. All of them deserve citizenship, lo ius soli". Then he read the main articles of the Charter among the ovation of the squaresuddenly bringing the theme of Ius Soli up to date, never included on the agenda of the Conte government (nor of the previous ones). "It is absurd that they do not have all the rights, yet they speak Roman, they are children of this city and this country. The evidence for citizenship - he added amid the applause - foresees knowing by heart articles of the Constitution, but I would like to ask how many Italians know it by heart. Instead I can tell you that the very Constitution that is the daughter of the Resistance, of the suffering of the founding fathers and of the Italian people, guarantees the freedom and equality of all citizens ".
But who is Stella Jean?  '' I was born in Italy my father is from Turin and my mother comes from Haiti. I am proud of my origins, even though I never felt I belonged completely to one country or another, to one culture or another. As a child I was treated like a foreigner even at school and I didn't understand. My fashion is the demonstration that merging does not mean getting lost, but living in harmony in diversity. Half of my DNA comes from a country that has undergone a strong colonization, but has managed to keep its black African part alive. Even if in merging something is always given and changed. The insurmountable frontiers are those of the mind ''. This is how the 41-year-old stylist said that she made multiculturalism, the mosaic of worlds, sustainability and ethical traceability of the fashion chain her figure .
Won the AltaRoma and Vogue Italia competition, Who's on next? that launches new talents and from that moment it is accredited internationally. The first to believe about her is Giorgio Armani who in 2013 had her paraded in the Armani / Teatro. In a short time he managed to create a brand sold in the most important multi-brand stores in the world. 
Each Stella Jean collection is a 'Laboratory of Nations', the result of the construction of a cultural bridge between Italian design and the craftsmen of a developing country in each different season , or low-income ones, such as Peru, Haiti, Burkina Faso, Mali and others in South America, Africa and Asia. Stella goes on the field on a mission and, after a first period of meeting and research of the various indigenous skills, many of which are becoming extinct, she studies together with the local artisans, how to develop a fashion-textile-accessory product that combines guest traditional craftsmanship of the country with the well-known Italian design and savoir-faire. "Nothing about them without them": the reactivation of know-how generates a sense of self-sufficiency in local populations, deriving from the direct creation of employment, from businesses and from the training linked to these recovered skills and cultural resources. This activity has the local objective of opposing a welfare welfarism that has so far proved inefficient. Stella Jean's fashion philosophy: it is a contamination and an integration, it is not charity but work, an international cooperation that aims to promote cultural heritage as an enabling and driving factor of sustainable development.
His fashion is folk, colorful, with Creole and African echoes, contaminated, confused in the noblest sense of the term. In the last fashion show, in Milan in 2019 he gave the limelight to the incredible hand-made embroideries by the women of the Kalash community in the north-east of Pakistan, near the border with Afghanistan: for the first time in history, Kalash women have embroidered their traditional motifs for an international audience. Another piece of Stella Jean's path devoted to female empowerment.