The Limited Times

Cryptomator encrypts data in online storage

6/9/2020, 7:28:28 PM

Regardless of whether you just want to back up your data or have it handy everywhere: online storage - better known to many as cloud services - offers these options. But are they safe too?

Regardless of whether you just want to back up your data or have it handy everywhere: online storage - better known to many as cloud services - offers these options. But are they safe too?

Berlin (dpa / tmn) - Anyone who relies on an online storage service should at least protect the most sensitive data before uploading it - using encryption. This is the only way to be sure that you are the only one with access to the data.

One tool that already encrypts the data on the user's end device is Cryptomator. The user simply creates a safe folder in it, which is protected with a password. The open source software from the developer Skymatic not only offers a client for Windows and Mac computers.

There is also a Linux version and three computer versions can be downloaded and used privately free of charge. There is even an Android and an iOS app, but they each cost ten euros.

Cryptomator download