The Limited Times

Indirectly, Germany gives back to terrorism Israel today

6/10/2020, 6:27:59 PM

| EuropeGermany is UNRWA's main sponsor, whose very existence is a call for the elimination of Israel • Now it has to look after the settlement of Palestinian refugees in their countries • Interpretation Brave friendship? Netanyahu and Merkel Photo:  IP Nice on the part of German Foreign Minister Heiko Mas who chose Israel as the first country outside of Europe he has been visiting since the beginnin...

Germany is UNRWA's main sponsor, whose very existence is a call for the elimination of Israel • Now it has to look after the settlement of Palestinian refugees in their countries • Interpretation

  • Brave friendship? Netanyahu and Merkel



Nice on the part of German Foreign Minister Heiko Mas who chose Israel as the first country outside of Europe he has been visiting since the beginning of the Corona crisis.

This choice undoubtedly reflects the intimate friendship between Germany and Israel, which allows for great openness that Israel has unfortunately not really exploited to this day. Since Israel's existence and its security are part of the top German national interest, as Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated, here are some issues that Germany can promote in its upcoming EU presidency in the EU and the Security Council.

Iran: The International Atomic Energy Agency, neither the US nor Israel, said in its latest report released on Friday that Iran is violating its nuclear agreement most significantly. , Whose aim is to completely prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, Germany must stop peeping in the face of Iranian arrogance and joining the US sanctions policy with the EU.

Applying Sovereignty: Opposition to this Israeli move is based on invented international law, which Germany and the European Union have greatly contributed to the consolidation of Israel and the Arabs and Palestinians. This international law goes against the valid international law based on the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference and the British Mandate Writer, which gives Israel absolute sovereignty over the territory. The problem: These are international commitments that Germany had to accept as being the losing side in World War I. It is time for Germany to recognize its aggressor and not try to replace them.

A representative of the European Union in Ramallah, a German diplomat, recently returned from providing European financial aid to civilian organizations in total non-involvement in terrorist activities. In doing so, he succumbed to the pressure exerted by the Palestinians and legitimized Palestinian terror. Germany must set a clear European policy on the matter, which disallows any European support for Palestinian or other terrorism. There is no reason for the Palestinians to enjoy "special treatment."

Today, Germany is the UNRWA's main sponsor, whose very existence is a call for the elimination of the Jewish state, Israel. Germany, if truly committed to Israel, must lead a European and UN move to dismantle UNRWA (another case of " Special treatment "for the Palestinians) and turning it into a welfare and welfare agency, which will take care of settling the descendants of Arab refugees and refugees from Israel in their current places of residence.

So true, Germany has taken a number of important steps in the past year: the Bundestag decision that defines BDS as an anti-Semitic movement and calls for no funding for its associated activities, a total ban on Hezbollah and a ban on burning Israeli flags. It is highly doubtful whether these decisions would have been carried out without the extreme pressure exerted by the US ambassador to Berlin, Richard Grenell. Now that Grenell has decided to shorten his term (probably tired of German hypocrisy), it is hoped that Israel will know how to do so.