The Limited Times

The American Olympic Committee wants to allow athletes to express themselves more

6/10/2020, 5:57:55 PM

The United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) has announced that it will challenge the rules prohibiting athletes from demonstrating politically at the Olympic Games, after hearing testimony from dozens of them and their proposals to combat racism. "Today I am creating an athlete-led group to challenge the rules and systems of our own organization that create barriers to progress, inc...

The United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) has announced that it will challenge the rules prohibiting athletes from demonstrating politically at the Olympic Games, after hearing testimony from dozens of them and their proposals to combat racism. "Today I am creating an athlete-led group to challenge the rules and systems of our own organization that create barriers to progress, including your right to protest," wrote USOPC Executive Director Sarah Hirshland, in a letter to the athletes, posted on Monday evening on Twitter.

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This initiative, which contravenes the rules of the International Olympic Committee, which prohibit any “political, religious or racial demonstration or propaganda” at the Games, results from “open discussions” with dozens of American athletes last week to do hear their views. Many have spoken out and taken part in protests against racism and police brutality across the country in the past two weeks, following the death of George Floyd on May 25 in Minneapolis. The 46-year-old black man did not survive his arrest after a white policeman pressed his knee to his neck for more than eight minutes.

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"The pain felt by black athletes and the black community - in the past weeks and far too long before the murder of George Floyd - is unacceptable," said Sarah Hirshland in her letter. “Your courage is inspiring. For decades, you have talked about equality and unity and sacrificed your time on the podium to call for change. And we did not listen and we tolerated racism and inequality. I'm sorry. You deserve better. You count. The lives of blacks matter , ”she added. "It's time to match your courage," she said. To listen and understand. To do the job. Accept that the fight against racial injustice is everyone's business, every day. Break down barriers, change rules and allow black voices to be heard. ”