The Limited Times

Vicentin's expropriation: the auditors appointed by the Government went to the company but could not enter

6/10/2020, 8:15:57 PM

They found the headquarters of the cereal factory, in the Santa Fe city of Avellaneda, with the doors locked. And nobody opened them. They could resort to Justice.

06/09/2020 - 19:12

  • Clarí
  • Rural

Vicentin's intervention began with a very difficult day in the town of Avellaneda, in the north of Santa Fe, where the cereal factory has its main headquarters. The delegation led by the deputy auditor appointed by the Government, Luciano Zarich, arrived in the morning at the Reconquista airport.

The first thing they did was go to the Civil and Commercial Court of the 2nd Reconquest Nomination, which is in charge of Fabián Lorenzini, the judge who conducts the Vicentin creditors' contest.

There they delivered a certified copy by the General Notary Office of the Nation of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) of President Alberto Fernández that provides for the intervention of the company.

Then they continued to the town of Avellaneda, which is next door - the Arroyo Rey separates the two cities - to enter the headquarters of the Vicentin Group . But there they were surprised: the offices were closed and there was no one to open the door for them.

Local media, such as the Reconquista Hoy portal, said that officials took selfies with the Vicentin building in the background and then left .

They are going to spend the night in Reconquista and this Wednesday they will try to enter the facilities again: they  do not rule out resorting to Justice if they encounter difficulties again. 

National officials at the door of the Court in Reconquista.

The two cities are convulsed by the intervention. The best example of the climate that exists in this corner of northern Santa Fe is the massive flag that started at 18 with strong criticism of the project to expropriate the company.

The mayor of Avellaneda, Dionisio Scarpín, made strong statements against the intervention, on the Aire Digital portal of the city of Santa Fe.

The arrival at Reconquista of the flight that transferred the Vicentin auditors.

They are stealing part of a story and it is a very important axis of the economy. Vicentin, along with other companies, fostered the development of an entire region, ”said Scarpín.