The Limited Times

Coronavirus: in the province of Buenos Aires they warn that in 30 or 40 days "therapy beds can be finished"

6/11/2020, 4:13:58 PM

This was stated by the chief of advisers of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, Enio García, who affirmed that "isolation must be strengthened."

06/11/2020 - 8:30

  • Clarí
  • Society

Given the increase in cases of coronavirus, which in the last two days were over a thousand infections per day, most of them concentrated in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), the Chief of advisers of the Ministry of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, Enio García, assured that if "the current scenario is not intervened" and the isolation is not "strengthened", in about 30 or 40 days "the intensive care beds can be finished" and a "saturation" scenario could be projected of the health system . "

In this sense, he explained that in Buenos Aires there are "about 20,000 hospital beds with an occupancy of 40%, and 4,700 intensive care beds, also with an occupancy of 40%.

"If we stay as we are, without intervening in the current scenario and without strengthening the isolation, in 30 or 40 days intensive care beds can be finished and we would be close to saturation of the health system."

He also highlighted: "We have 500 cases per day, if we continue like this we will soon have 1,000, then 2,000, and the system is saturated ."

"The coronavirus spreads very quickly and saturates the systems. 20% need hospitalization and how it spreads very quickly the beds are occupied," explained García in communication with El Destape Radio . And he stressed that, as an advisor, he observed "what was happening in China and Europe at the beginning of the pandemic with the saturation of health systems."

"We went through 3 very hard months, but today when we reach the worst phase of the pandemic, we have to get through the winter. We cannot relax," he warned.

He also pointed out: "With the City of Buenos Aires we have the same territory and if measures are not taken together it is very difficult, there are different measures in the city of Buenos Aires and it would be good if it could be homogenized."