The Limited Times

Cuomo con Colombo, I support statue in Ny

6/11/2020, 4:55:58 PM

New York state governor Andrew Cuomo says no to the removal of Christopher Columbus statues, starting with the iconic one in Columbus Circle in the heart of Manhattan. "I understand what you can feel towards Colombo and towards some of his acts. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, JUNE 11 - New York state governor Andrew Cuomo says no to the removal of Christopher Columbus statues, starting with the iconic one in ColumbusCircle in the heart of Manhattan. "I understand what can be proven towards Colombo and some of his acts. But - added Cuomo - the statue has become a symbol that represents the Italian-American heritage in this country, it represents the thanks for the contribution made by the Italian-Americans in New York. I support. "