The Limited Times

Delrio, after Family act go ahead with the single check

6/11/2020, 2:52:42 PM

Boschi: 'Today in the Council of Ministers'. The pd group leader: 'The single check will be approved in committee in the Chamber within the next week' (ANSA)

 "Today the family act goes to the Council of Ministers". This was announced by the group leader Iv in the Maria Elena Boschi Chamber at the end of Iv's meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in preparation for the general states.

"Let's get going. Now the government has to move from words to deeds." So the group leader of Iv in an interview with La Stampa on the States General; and the facts are: "Infrastructures with the shock plan, families with the Family act, a major project on culture and school and a business support plan with lower taxes, starting with IRAP". "Italy cannot afford too many quarrels - he observes - we are in full emergency, let's manage it. We respect the clash between the Democratic Party and Conte, but now let's worry about the problems of the Italians. The premier could certainly involve us more. But we are concrete people We are interested in the result. If things get better after this initiative, cheers. We are not looking for visibility: we can easily play as pushing medians. The important thing is that the team scores and wins ".

 "An agreement has been reached for the Family Act and the Single Check to proceed together. The Family Act goes to the Council of Ministers today and the Single Check will be approved within committee next week. It's good news: we have worked well with the Minister Bonetti, we are very satisfied ". This was stated by the group leader Pd Graziano Delrio outside Palazzo Chigi. 

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