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Is the corona virus becoming at least fatal? | Israel today

6/11/2020, 5:14:33 PM

| healthThe world's morbidity analysis shows that despite the spread - declining mortality Analysis of global corona morbidity data over the past month marks a new trend among humanity to the virus: The epidemic continues to spread at a significant rate even in warm countries, but on the other hand the level of virus mortality is declining, and the number of recovering patients has increased significantl...

The world's morbidity analysis shows that despite the spread - declining mortality

Analysis of global corona morbidity data over the past month marks a new trend among humanity to the virus: The epidemic continues to spread at a significant rate even in warm countries, but on the other hand the level of virus mortality is declining, and the number of recovering patients has increased significantly. Does the decline in the mortality graph indicate that humanity has learned to cope better with the Corona virus? 

Prof. Amos Pent, from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Hebrew University, Molecular Virology Specialist and Teacher at the University's School of Medicine, says that the downward trend in mortality from the virus has two possible explanations. "First, medicine is already gaining experience with the corona virus, and we know better how to prevent people's deterioration of their mental states and how to better treat and support people. Over time, the medical system has experience, you know more about how to treat patients, how to detect and stop it, and so on. Better medical system response is created. This is probably one of the reasons for the decline in morbidity. " 

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The second option raised by Prof. Pentett is a virus-matched match for humans - his host body. "There is another possibility that is currently unproven, whereby as the virus moves from person to person, it slowly adapts itself to its human host. The virus has no desire to kill the body, but vice versa - to live alongside and exist on the host human body. We see this in many viruses that have adapted "For example, the herpes virus, which causes mostly lip wounds but does not kill; even with the AIDS virus, some evidence that it is suitable for humans, and a little less deadly than in the past."

According to Prof. Fent, "The Corona may also adapt itself with each human-to-human transition with us. There is already evidence of genetic changes in the virus, and there are differences in the genetics of the virus between Europe and America. That the virus is weak in terms of its toxicity to us, so there are fewer dead. "