The Limited Times

Minors arrested in Val-de-Marne: parents announce the creation of a committee

6/11/2020, 8:32:14 PM

The four teenagers aged 14 and 15 were arrested in a park in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) by the anti-criminal brigade

Parents of four teenagers who testified that they were victims of violence and bullying by police during an arrest in late May announced the creation of a committee on Thursday, hoping that their mishap would not happen again "with d 'other children'. "We hope that the perpetrators of racist comments and violence against our children will be held accountable and that an IGPN investigation will really be opened," said the father of one of the four adolescents.

With the other parents and in the presence of their lawyer Jérôme Karsenti and the deputy LFI Mathilde Panot, he announced the creation of a committee called "We do not let pass". On May 26, four teenagers aged 14 and 15 were arrested in a park in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) by the anti-crime squad (BAC) who suspects them of committing a robbery. 'ripped off.

Released without prosecution

They are handcuffed for several hours before being taken to the Kremlin-Bicêtre police station. Three of them say they were victims of racist insults. One of them also claims to have been slapped. The fourth, driven in a different car, said that he had been the victim of homophobic insults. The four teenagers, two of whom are black, one Arab and one white, were released 24 hours later.

Four complaints were filed for “racist and homophobic insults” and “arbitrary detention” because “we are over 24 hours of detention or, for minors, 24 hours is the maximum,” said Jérôme Karsenti. This affair re-emerged in the midst of the debate on police violence and when the government promised “zero tolerance” against racism in the police force. "This story is actually extremely banal," added Mr. Karsenti, welcoming such media attention for "something rather ordinary in the cities".

The prosecution announced that it would seize the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) but no investigation has yet been formally opened two weeks after the facts according to the lawyer.

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