The Limited Times

Phase 3: draft dpcm, stop at discos and fairs until July 14th

6/11/2020, 4:34:02 PM

But the Regions can establish a different date, given the contagion data. This is provided by the draft of the new dpcm on the openings of phase 3. From June 15, ok for the children's play areas and summer camps and contact sports; game and betting rooms also reopen. Confirmed championships restart from 12 June behind closed doors (ANSA)

 "Activities that take place in dance halls and discotheques and similar venues, outdoors or indoors, fairs and conferences are suspended until July 14, 2020". This is foreseen by the draft, currently being defined for the new dpcm on the openings of phase 3. "The regions and autonomous provinces, in relation to the trend of the epidemiological situation in their territories, can establish a different date of resumption of activities, as well as a different maximum number of spectators "for cinema and concerts" considering the size and characteristics of the places ".

"The access of children and teenagers to places intended for the performance of recreational, recreational and educational activities, even non-formal, is allowed indoors or outdoors, with the help of operators to whom they can be entrusted in custody and with an obligation to adopt appropriate safety protocols in accordance with the guidelines of the family policy department ". This is provided by the draft of the new dpcm with the measures from June 15th. "The access of minors is allowed, even together with family members or other persons who are habitually living with or in charge of their care, to play areas inside parks, villas and public gardens".

"The activities of arcades, betting rooms and bingo halls can be carried out on condition that the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of the performance of the aforementioned activities with the trend of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that identify the protocols or the applicable guidelines suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors ".

As announced, the championships will start again from 12 June, but behind closed doors, while "contact sports" will also return from Monday 15, provided that "compatibility with the trend of the epidemiological situation in the respective territories is verified, in accordance with the guidelines. "